


The Transformation of Energy


I upgraded my science to Science 2.0.  Science 2.0 allows ALL of the evidence into evidence, and then it pursues a preponderance of that evidence.

The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of disorder or entropy in our universe is constantly increasing, and that that universal amount of entropy or disorder cannot decrease or go to zero.

This simple Feynman Diagram, along with the associated Quantum Field Theory, falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  In other words, Quantum Field Theory PROVES that the second law of thermodynamics is false.  This is my greatest scientific discovery of all time.

In this Feynman diagram, an electron and a positron annihilate, producing a photon (represented by the sine wave) that becomes a quark–antiquark pair, after which the antiquark radiates a gluon (represented by the helix or the pig tail).



Here is the whole of modern-day physics in a nutshell, and it falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  The equations for heat and entropy also falsify the second law of thermodynamics.  The second law, which claims that the amount of entropy or disorder in our universe is constantly increasing and can never decrease, has been proven false by Quantum Field Theory and the equations for heat and entropy.

Here in the caption below this Feynman Diagram, they used the word “annihilate”.  So, what was annihilated when the electron and the positron merged to form that photon?

This is the KEY to everything in physics.

Some of the Naturalists, Atheists, and Darwinists have erroneously stated that the energy is annihilated when the electron and the positron merge to form a photon; and, these people are always wrong because they don’t understand how science and quantum mechanics really work.  ALL of the energy is still there, and still working just fine according to the Conservation of Energy or the First Law of Thermodynamics.

All of the energy is still there and working just fine according to E = mc2.

In order to understand what was annihilated when the positron and electron merged to form that photon, we must study the official equations for heat and entropy.

Q = mcΔT

Heat (Q) is equal to mass (m) times that mass’s heat storage capacity (c) times the change in temperature (ΔT).

S = Q/ΔT

Entropy (S) is equal to heat (Q) divided by the change in temperature (ΔT).  Combining these two equations into one, we get the following equation.  Notice that the temperature (T) is irrelevant, because the temperature cancels out.

S = mcΔT/ΔT

Solving this equation, we get the following: S = mc.

Entropy (S) is the heat storage capacity of mass (mc).  Simple.  Parsimonious.  Demonstrable.  Replicable.  Verifiable.  Logical.  Conservative.  True.

This is the mass-based definition for entropy; and as far as I know, I’m the first person on the planet to have discovered it.  It’s there in plain sight just waiting for someone to find it and present it to the world.

Notice again that the temperature (T) is irrelevant, because the temperature cancels out.  This process works and this equation holds true no matter what the temperature might happen to be.  It even works at absolute zero Kelvin (T or K = 0).  Everything continues to function perfectly fine at the quantum level, even at absolute zero.  In fact, by studying photons and superconductors, we observe that absolute zero maximizes the efficiency and functionality of quantum objects such as photons, quantum waves, superconductors, virtual particles (thoughts), and quantum fields.  Absolute zero is maximum efficiency and maximum order at the quantum level thanks to the Quantum Fields and the Conservation of Energy.

S = mc

This simple equation for entropy is my greatest scientific discovery of all time.  It falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  It’s demonstrably true.

c = the specific heat capacity of the mass under consideration

m = mass

Entropy (S) is mass’s heat storage capacity (mc).  No heat storage capacity, then no heat.  No mass and no heat, then NO entropy.  Simple.  Logical.  Parsimonious.  True.  Science doesn’t get any better than this.

Entropy (S) equals mass (m), particularly the heat storage capacity of mass (mc).  Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity (S = mc).  Entropy is also resistance to acceleration or mass.  This is the mass-based definition for entropy.  No mass, then no entropy.  It’s that simple.

Now we are ready to answer the question, with science and with what has actually been experienced and observed.

In the caption below the Feynman Diagram, they used the word “annihilate”.  So, what was annihilated when the electron and the positron merged to form that photon?

Well, what are the equations for heat and entropy trying to tell us?  It’s there in plain sight waiting for the whole world to see it.

When that electron and that positron merged to form that single photon, their associated positive and negative charges, mass, heat storage capacity, resistance to acceleration, heat, and entropy were completely annihilated or ceased to exist.  Their entropy went to zero because their mass or heat storage capacity went to zero.  It’s that simple.  And, this simple observation from Quantum Field Theory falsifies the second law of thermodynamics which claims that the amount of entropy in our universe can never go to zero.  The amount of entropy, or mass, or heat storage capacity in our universe can and does go to zero all the time, thanks to the Conservation of Energy, E = mc2, and Quantum Field Theory.

Annihilation, though, is the wrong word.  Nothing was actually annihilated.  Instead, the heat, mass, charge, and entropy within the electron and positron were TRANSFORMED into a massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photon instead.

This is the KEY to everything in physics.  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

When that positron and electron merged to form that photon, their mass, heat storage capacity, resistance to acceleration, and entropy were TRANSFORMED INTO massless, heatless, entropyless, wave-like infinite acceleration or quantum omnipresence instead according to Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.

Electrons and positrons can’t travel at the speed-of-light because they have mass, or resistance to acceleration, or entropy.  Because electrons and positrons have mass, they also have some type of heat storage capacity and some resistance to acceleration.

However, when that electron and positron were transformed into a photon, their associated heat, mass, entropy, resistance to acceleration, charge, and heat storage capacity were TRANSFORMED INTO massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless infinite acceleration or omnipresence instead.  Their mass, heat, and entropy completely ceased to exist.  This is happening all the time in nature.

Notice carefully that a photon goes from zero to the speed-of-light instantly.  That reality is infinite acceleration or the omnipresence of a quantum wave.  That electron and positron along with their associated heat, entropy, and mass were TRANSFORMED into the infinite acceleration or the omnipresence of a quantum wave or photon.  Photons have NO mass, NO heat storage capacity, NO resistance to acceleration, NO charge, and therefore, NO heat, and NO entropy.  Photons are omnipresent or infinite acceleration quantum waves, according to Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.  Photons are non-local and non-physical, because photons have NO mass, NO heat storage capacity, NO resistance to acceleration, and NO entropy.

This is the KEY to everything in physics.  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  Does it not?

When the positron and electron merged to FORM that single photon, their associated mass, heat, charge, and entropy were TRANSFORMED into a massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless quantum wave or photon instead.  Their associated entropy or heat completely ceased to exist when their mass or heat storage capacity ceased to exist.  The result of this transformation of heat, mass, and entropy was in fact an omnipresent, syntropic, exergic, massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photon or quantum wave.  The associated entropy completely ceased to exist when the mass or heat storage capacity ceased to exist.  It’s that simple; and, it falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.

Photons are purely and completely quantum waves or quantum objects.  Photons are capable of infinite acceleration, omnipresence, the speed-of-light, or quantum tunneling.  Photons or quantum waves can do anything that they want to do because they have NO mass, NO resistance to acceleration, and NO entropy.

Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity.

Entropy is also resistance to acceleration.

This is the parsimonious, conservative, and logical definition for entropy – the definition for entropy that has actually been experienced and observed.  The preponderance of the evidence tells us that it is true.

ALL of the entropy goes to zero and ceases to exist whenever mass of any kind is transformed into a massless, heatless, and entropyless quantum wave or photon.  The transformation of mass, heat, and entropy into massless, heatless, and entropyless infinite acceleration or quantum omnipresence is happening all the time all around us; and, nobody has made this discovery because nobody is looking for it.  They have all chosen to believe in the second law of thermodynamics instead.

Quantum Field Theory and the second law of thermodynamics are mutually exclusive, which means that they falsify each other.  If one of them can be demonstrated to be true, then the other one has automatically been falsified or proven false.

So, which is it?

Do we observe mass, heat, entropy, electrons, and positrons being TRANSFORMED INTO massless, heatless, entropyless, chargeless, non-local, non-physical photons and quantum waves as is happening in our sun right now?

Or do we observe the Conservation of Entropy and an ever-increasing amount of mass, heat, and entropy as the second law of thermodynamics claims is happening?

Which one do we actually experience and observe?

The one that we actually experience and observe is the one that’s actually real and true.  It’s that simple.  Science is supposed to be eye-witness observation and first-hand experience after all.  We observe the sun transforming mass into massless, heatless, and entropyless photons.  We do NOT observe an ever-increasing amount of heat, mass, and entropy (heat storage capacity).  Such a thing is physically impossible.  The second law of thermodynamics is self-falsifying or self-defeating.  The second law is physically impossible because it violates the Conservation of Energy.  If the second law of thermodynamics were actually true, then we wouldn’t be here and there really would be nothing but random chaos in this universe.

The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of disorder or entropy in our universe is constantly increasing and can never decrease and go to zero.

The second law of thermodynamics was designed to falsify the first law of thermodynamics, and that’s how the second law is typically used in “science”.  We observe Darwinists, Physicists, Atheists, and Scientists using the second law of thermodynamics to falsify the Conservation of Energy all the time on PBS, in our physics textbooks, and on the internet.  The second law of thermodynamics is Creation Ex Nihilo or Atheism.

The first law of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics are mutually exclusive.  They falsify each other.  If one of them can be demonstrated to be true, then the other one has been falsified or proven false.

So, which is it?

Do we truly observe ever-increasing amounts of disorder in our universe, or do we observe the ongoing perfection, order, and organization that’s being produced by Nature’s Psyche through the Quantum Fields?

Which one do we actually observe?

Which one actually exists?

Do we see an ever-encroaching grey goo coming in at us from all sides as the second law of thermodynamics predicts; or, do we observe ongoing order and organization as Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory predict?  I KNOW which one I experience and see whenever I step outside in the morning or look through my telescopes at night.  The syntropy, order, and organization completely dominate the disorder and chaos.  True disorder and chaos cannot exist while the Quantum Fields exist.  That’s just the way it is.

Ask yourself, “Which one is being produced?  Which one is being conserved?  Which one is being experienced and observed?”  Then answer truthfully.

Do we observe order and organization all throughout our universe, or do we observe nothing but ever-increasing random chaos?  The second law of thermodynamics tells us that we are supposed to observe nothing but random chaos or ever-increasing disorder, entropy, and chaos; yet, I look out all around me and all I see is order and organization courtesy of the syntropic and perfectly organized Quantum Fields.

We will NEVER have true disorder and chaos in our part of the multiverse as long as the Quantum Fields exist.  The Quantum Fields are perfect, syntropic, exergic perpetual motion machines.  Ever since the Quantum Fields were made, they have been conserved.  The proven and verified existence of the Quantum Fields falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  The Quantum Fields are indestructible and everlasting; and, they will always exist as long as their Designer and Maker exists.  We observe that Quantum Field Theory continues to hold true; and, soon it becomes obvious that Quantum Field Theory falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.  The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields exist.  You would have to destroy the Quantum Fields in order to make the second law of thermodynamics true.  That’s just the way it is.

When the science community is ready and fully understands what’s really happening in Nature and in our Universe, then the second law of thermodynamics will be replaced by Quantum Field Theory instead.

That is the paradigm shift that it yet to take place within Science.

The falsehoods will be replaced with the truth, when Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Classical Realism, Natural Selection, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics are replaced by Action at a Distance, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and the true maker of the wave function and the true collapser of the wave function who is Nature’s Psyche.  Nature’s Psyche was making quantum waves and collapsing wave functions long before the first particle of physical matter was designed and made.  Once they realize and accept the fact that it is Nature’s Psyche or the Quantum Intelligence within Nature who makes the quantum waves and then subsequently collapses the wave function, then that’s then end of the falsehoods in science that currently exist.  Eventually, the truth will prevail.

Now, let’s return to our Feynman Diagram, to see what other truths we can derive from it.

Notice carefully the arrow of time (t) on the Feynman Diagram.  I remember one of my science teachers telling us that entropy is the thing that prevents us from running the film backwards.  Remember the fat kid running down the diving board and jumping into the pool, and then the science teacher runs the film backwards, and the boy comes up out of the pool running backwards onto the diving board?  Then the teacher says that entropy is the thing that prevents us from running the film backwards.

Well, that teacher was wrong.  It’s the arrow of time that prevents us from running the film backwards just as our Feynman Diagram suggests – NOT entropy.  Entropy or disorder or chaos is completely reversible according to the LAW of the Conservation of Quantum Information, Information Theory, the Law of Intelligence or Psyche, E = mc2, Quantum Mechanics, and Quantum Field Theory.  Information, or knowledge, or intelligence is all that we need to reverse and eliminate disorder and chaos at will.

It has been said that black holes contain most of the disorder or chaos or entropy in our universe.  This claim is based upon the erroneous and falsified “disorder definition” for entropy.  The truth is that the quantum fields are still there and still functioning perfectly within a black hole.  Furthermore, a black hole represents a powerful amount of order and organization.  Black holes do work and produce work.  They produce gravity waves to the extreme.

Furthermore, heat death or absolute zero maximizes the efficiency and functionality of super conductors, photons, quantum waves, and quantum fields.  Everything about the second law of thermodynamics is wrong.  The second law is clearly and conclusively falsified by Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, E = mc2, the Conservation of Energy, the First Law of Thermodynamics, and the Conservation of Quantum Information or the Conservation of Psyche and Intelligence.

There are other truths that we can learn from this simple Feynman Diagram.

What happens when that omnipresent, immaterial, non-local, non-physical photon or quantum wave chooses to stop?

It is a choice; and, ONLY Psyche or Intelligence or Quantum Consciousness can do choice at the quantum level.  It is a choice!  A photon or quantum wave doesn’t have to stop if it doesn’t want to.  A photon or quantum wave can pass through our earth and our sun and a black hole as if they weren’t even there!

Remember, it is Nature’s Psyche or the controlling psyche within that photon who chooses to collapse the wave function and chooses to transform that photon into mass and heat.  It is also Nature’s Psyche or the controlling psyches within the mass (positron and electron) who chose to transform their mass, or resistance to acceleration, heat, or entropy (heat storage capacity) INTO a massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless quantum wave, virtual particle, or photon instead.  It is Nature’s Psyche who chooses to transform localized mass INTO non-local, massless, heatless, entropyless, omnipresent, syntropic, exergic quantum waves or photons – as is happening within our sun right now.  ALL of this has been experienced and observed!  ALL of this is an integral part of Quantum Field Theory and E = mc2.  ALL of this falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.

Whenever a quantum wave or photon chooses to stop its speed-of-light velocity and infinite acceleration, that photon or quantum wave literally TRANSFORMS its energy or infinite acceleration or non-local omnipresence INTO mass, heat storage capacity (entropy), heat, locality, and resistance to acceleration instead.  We can feel the heat on our skin every time a photon or quantum wave chooses to stop rather than choosing to pass through us as if we weren’t even there.

In the Feynman Diagram above, the massless and entropyless photon chose to transform itself into a quark–antiquark pair.  The photon or quantum wave chose to transform itself into mass, heat storage capacity, and resistance to acceleration.  Photons or quantum waves can TRANSFORM themselves into anything that they want to be.  Light can become anything that it wants to become.

This time around, this photon chose to transform itself into mass, or resistance to acceleration, or heat storage capacity (entropy).  Together, quarks and gluons represent a huge amount of resistance to acceleration or mass.  Photons can also choose to transform themselves into heat.  This is what typically happens when a photon lands on your skin.

We don’t typically see new mass or new physical matter growing on our skin from the light coming from our sun.  It could happen, but it doesn’t happen, because Nature’s Psyche or the controlling psyche within that photon is choosing what it wants to do with the energy that’s under its control.  Instead, when a photon stops on our skin, we experience the heat, when that photon TRANSFORMS its massless, heatless, and entropyless non-local infinite acceleration INTO localized heat instead.  That photon KNOWS precisely what it is doing, and it KNOWS what is appropriate given its surroundings and circumstances, because that photon is omnipresent, omniscient, sentient, intelligent, and alive.  When a photon stops on your skin, it KNOWS that it has stopped on your skin, so it KNOWS that it is appropriate to transform itself into heat instead of transforming itself into physical matter or mass.

This is the KEY to everything in physics.  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  Does it not?

According to the Law of Psyche and the Conservation of Energy, each psyche or intelligence or quantum consciousness has a certain amount of energy that it controls.  That controlling psyche or intelligence can FORM or TRANSFORM the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so.  That quantum consciousness, psyche, or intelligence has NO physical limitations!  Psyche can do anything that it wants to do with the energy that’s under its control, as our Feynman Diagram so adequately attests.  Every vertex or transformation on a Feynman Diagram represents a choice that has been made by a bunch of different psyches, who are controlling the energies from which these different quantum particles are made.  Nature or Nature’s Psyche is controlling it all – making the quantum waves in the first place and then choosing when to collapse those wave functions into mass or resistance to acceleration.

Every time a photon chooses to stop, we experience and observe a miniature Big Bang.  Every time a photon or quantum wave chooses to stop, it transforms itself into mass or heat.  Mass is the fundamental component of heat storage capacity or entropy; and, heat is the stuff that gets stored within that heat storage capacity or entropy.  The “Big Bang” is ongoing.  It’s happening right now all around us every time a photon or quantum wave chooses to stop and transform itself into mass and heat and entropy (heat storage capacity).  The Big Bang was NOT a one-time event 13.8 billion years ago.  A miniature Big Bang takes place every single time that a photon or quantum wave chooses to stop and transform itself into mass, and heat, and resistance to acceleration (entropy).  You can feel it on your skin every time it happens.  A miniature Big Bang happens every time a photon lands on your skin and chooses to stop its infinite acceleration and speed-of-light velocity by transforming its omnipresence into heat instead.

E = mc2!

It works perfectly fine both directions – both coming and going – thanks to Quantum Field Theory and the Conservation of Energy, the Conservation of Quantum Information, and the Conservation of Psyche or Intelligence.

We experience and observe a miniature Big Bang every single time that a photon or a quantum wave chooses to stop and transform itself into mass, resistance to acceleration, heat, and heat storage capacity (entropy) instead.

According to the Feynman Diagram at the beginning of this essay, Nature or Nature’s Psyche is constantly TRANSFORMING charge, mass, heat, and entropy INTO massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons or quantum waves.  In other words, the Controlling Psyches within Nature are constantly transforming heat storage capacity, heat, resistance to acceleration, mass, and entropy INTO massless, heatless, and entropyless omnipresence or infinite acceleration or quantum waves or photons.  It’s happening right now within our sun!  Where do you think the light comes from?

It is happening all around us all the time whether we believe it or not; and, it falsifies the second law of thermodynamics whether we know it or not.  As long as the Quantum Fields exist, the second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true.

Entropy goes to zero and completely ceases to exist whenever the associated heat storage capacity, resistance to acceleration, or mass ceases to exist.  This is what the equations for heat and entropy are trying to tell us.  This is what Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory are trying to tell us, but nobody is listening, because everyone wants to believe in the second law of thermodynamics instead.

E = mc2 is the perpetual motion cycle.  It’s real.  It truly exists.

The Quantum Fields are the ultimate perpetual motion machines.  Nothing is ever truly lost, because the underlying energy is always conserved.  Disorder and chaos completely ceased to exist in our part of the multiverse the very moment that the Gods, the Controlling Psyches, and Nature’s Psyche chose to make the Quantum Fields.  The Quantum Fields are syntropic perfection; and, the Quantum Fields have been conserved ever since they were made.  We will NEVER have true disorder, chaos, or “entropy” in our part of the multiverse as long as the non-local, non-physical, massless, heatless, entropyless, syntropic, exergic Quantum Fields exist.  The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true so long as the Quantum Fields exist.  That’s just the way it is.

This is a completely NEW Model of Reality that explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  Here within this model, I took everything that is false and replaced it with everything that is true, or with everything that has been experienced and observed.  Did I not?

By falsifying the second law of thermodynamics and upgrading science to Science 2.0, I turned everything into Science, or turned everything into what has actually been experienced and observed.  This is a paradigm shift.  This is my greatest scientific discovery.  This is my greatest contribution to Science.  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  Does it not?  I’ve finally found the truth, and I KNOW IT.

Here, after millennia of thought and research, we finally have the truth.  We finally have something that matches with everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  This is the Ultimate Model of Reality.  It is my gift to the world.

Mark My Words






The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything