The Prime Event Proves that God Exists
The Prime Event Proves that God Exists
There are many different theories for the origin of our physical universe – some more believable than others.
Secular scientists are looking for an explanation that doesn’t involve God’s intervention. Some of them have proposed a big explosion or a big bomb to account for the origins of our physical universe and the current expansion of our physical universe.
However, there are serious philosophical repercussions with this Big Explosion Theory (Big Bang Theory). Explosions of any kind require someone to make the bomb, and then they require someone to trigger the bomb and make it explode. Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it.
If you believe in the Big Explosion Theory, then you have to believe in God – the one who made the bomb and the one who triggered its explosion. You see, any kind of beginning requires Someone Psyche to cause it to begin which means that any kind of bomb requires Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent to make it and then explode it.
If the Big Explosion Theory could ever be proven to be true, then it ends up being Scientific Proof for God’s Existence because someone had to make the bomb and someone had to make the bomb explode. The secular scientists and unbelievers can’t get away from God through the Big Explosion Theory because anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it. This is Logic 101.
In order to get away from God as the Maker of this physical universe, the safest and most effective course is simply to assume that our physical universe has always existed. If our physical universe has always existed, then it doesn’t need a Maker to make it.
There are many complex problems and physical impossibilities associated with this theory, the biggest one being entropy. If our physical universe has always existed, then it would have ended in heat death an eternity or two ago. It is obvious that our current physical universe, physical sun, and physical earth have had some kind of beginning in the recent past because they still exist and haven’t cooled off yet.
Anything that has a beginning obviously has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who caused it to begin. Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it. The physical matter within this physical universe was obviously made relatively recently. It is obvious. The physical matter within this physical universe was obviously made relatively recently, which means that it obviously has a Maker of some kind.
While speaking to their chosen prophets, the Gods frequently talk about some kind of beginning. What do they say began? The heavens and the ground. What’s in the heavens and what is in the ground? Physical matter is found in the ground; and, physical planets, physical stars, and physical galaxies are found in the heavens or the universe. The Gods repeatedly state that they formed or made the planets and stars. Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it. This is Logic 101. It is obvious that physical matter, physical planets, physical stars, and physical galaxies were made relatively recently, which makes it obvious that they have some kind of Maker who made them.
How do you make physical matter?
The construction of physical matter requires a massive infusion of raw energy; and, it also requires someone to organize that energy and make that energy follow and obey the physical laws that have been established.
Order and organization require Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent to order it and organize it. Laws of any kind obviously require some kind of Law Maker and Law Enforcer. Law enforcement is essential, or laws are worthless. Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it. The physical matter in this physical universe was obviously organized from raw energy relatively recently because entropy hasn’t caught up with it and taken it out of play yet.
The existence of usable physical matter is Scientific Proof for God’s Existence. Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it. Physical matter was obviously made relatively recently which means that physical matter obviously has some kind of Maker who made it. This is Logic 101.
Since our physical universe can’t be infinitely old, that is scientific proof that our physical universe and the visible galaxies within it had a beginning relatively recently. Anything that has a beginning obviously has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who caused it to begin. Physical matter, physical planets, and physical stars don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air from nothing. They have never been observed doing so. The laws of conservation prevent such a thing from happening. Physical matter is made and physical matter had some kind of beginning, which means that physical matter has a Maker who began it. Physical matter, planets, stars, and galaxies were obviously made which means that they have some kind of Maker who made them.
When we start to map galaxies, we see order and organization rather than random diffusion. We see the signature of God. The galaxies were obviously ordered and organized into clusters surrounding voids. Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer who organized it. Anything that was obviously put into place obviously has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who put it into place. The visible galaxies within this physical universe were obviously made relatively recently and were obviously put into place in some kind of pattern or form relatively recently as well.
Finally, physical matter, planets, stars, and galaxies are born. They come into existence all at once. We know that this is so because there is no way to get expanding clouds of hydrogen and helium gas to coalesce into stars. When you force hydrogen or helium into a balloon or a canister does it coalesce into a star? No! It expands the balloon and it also tries to expand the metal canister. Hydrogen molecules naturally repel each other, even under pressure and under the effects of gravity. Helium atoms naturally repel each other, even under pressure and under the effects of gravity. There is no physical mechanism in existence that will make expanding clouds of hydrogen and helium coalesce into planets and stars.
The planets and stars have to be born in place whole from the beginning, or they would never exist. In other words, the planets and stars have to be made. The planets and stars were obviously made. Anything that was obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it. The Gods admit that they made the planets and the stars.
While talking with their chosen prophets, the Gods frequently mention the beginning of our heavens and our earth.
What began?
The planets, stars, and galaxies began. The physical matter began.
Anything that has a beginning obviously has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who caused it to begin; otherwise, there would be nothing but unorganized mass or unorganized energy. It would be chaos. Organization of any kind obviously requires an Organizer of some kind. Physical matter, entropy, and time obviously began, which means that they have Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who caused them to begin. Physical matter, entropy, and time were obviously made which means that they obviously need Someone Psyche to make them. Since physical matter, entropy, and time were obviously made, that means that they can be unmade or disassembled back into raw energy by the Person who made them.
These realities are obviously true because creation from nothing or spontaneous generation is physically impossible. The laws of conservation prevent it from happening.
The Gods can form energy into anything that they want it to be, including physical matter, physical laws, physical restrictions, velocity or momentum, mass, spirit matter (tachyons and dark matter), transdimensional laws (quantum mechanics), time, entropy, space, locality, waves, gravity, magnetism, photons, visible light, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays, the nuclear forces, and the vacuum energy or zero-point field (dark energy).
The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics states that Energy, Syntropy, or Psyche is conserved; whereas, physical matter or entropy is never conserved. The Energy is conserved; but, the form of that Energy is never conserved. The Gods can form Energy into anything they want it to be; and, that form is never conserved. The Gods can change the form at will. Only the Energy, Syntropy, or Psyche is being conserved. Physical matter and entropy are different forms of energy. The form is never conserved. That means that the form is made, constructed, organized, or formed. That means that the form has an Organizer who organized it and formed it. Since physical matter and entropy are different forms of Energy, physical matter and entropy obviously have an Organizer who formed them and made them.
The whole of science tells us that this reality is true. It has been experienced and observed.
According to these observations, the chaos or unorganized energy has always existed and will always exist. Meanwhile, the Gods are actively spreading order and organization throughout the whole of it as time allows. A physical universe is simply a different form of energy. The fact that the expansion of our current physical universe appears to be accelerating is proof that the Gods continue to infuse energy between the galaxies and proof that the Gods are deliberately accelerating the expansion or the growth of this physical universe. This suggests that their creation of physical matter is ongoing and happening right now even as I write this. A physical universe is simply a different form of energy; and, the Gods are actively forming it at this very moment. The Energy, Syntropy, Psyche, Intelligence, or Life Force has always existed; but, its form is being constantly changed by the Gods as they see fit. New planets, stars, and galaxies are currently being formed.
The Gods have revealed to their chosen prophets that they organize or form everything spiritually first before giving it a physical form. The spiritual formation from spirit matter serves as the template or the blueprint for the later physical formation that will take place.
Physical matter is formed by infusing it with massive amounts of raw energy as well as order, organization, physical laws, physical restrictions, space, locality, entropy, time, meaning, and purpose. Since the visible physical matter within this physical universe was obviously formed relatively recently, it is obvious that this physical universe obviously has Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent who formed it or made it relatively recently.
Physical matter is Scientific Proof of God’s Existence whether we realize it or not. Usable physical matter wouldn’t exist unless Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent made it exist. A massive infusion of Energy or Syntropy is needed to make a particle of physical matter; otherwise, all of that subsequent entropy wouldn’t be possible to begin with.
Human beings make new physical matter or entropy in their particle accelerators or atoms smashers; and, human beings destroy physical matter or entropy in their atomic bombs turning it back into energy. Physical matter or entropy is never conserved. Its amount is constantly changing as the Gods see fit. It’s the underlying Energy or Syntropy that’s being conserved, not the physical matter or the entropy. This is the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.
Mark My Words
Scientific Proof of God’s Existence: Finding God Where the Atheists Refuse to Look for Him