The Probability of Protein Synthesis by Chance Alone

The Probability of Protein Synthesis by Chance Alone


Throughout known life, there are 22 genetically encoded (proteinogenic) amino acids, 20 in the standard genetic code and an additional 2 that can be incorporated by special translation mechanisms. In eukaryotes, there are only 21 proteinogenic amino acids, the 20 of the standard genetic code, plus selenocysteine.

The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Atheists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, Atomists, Behaviorists, and Classical Realists claim that proteins and their matching genes formed by chance alone.

Let’s examine the probability of protein synthesis happening by chance alone.

First, we have to start with a God-given tub full of the correct 21 different amino acids that are used to form proteins, so that CHANCE actually has something to work with. CHANCE can’t produce a tub full of the correct 21 different amino acids to start with. God has to do that for CHANCE so that CHANCE has a chance of making a protein by chance alone to begin with. Without that God-given tub full of the correct 21 different amino acids, there’s no chance that CHANCE will ever be able to produce a protein by chance alone. CHANCE needs the building blocks for proteins already in place to begin with, or nothing is ever going to happen, either purposefully or by chance. This is logical common sense. Only the irrational would disagree with it. We have to start with a pot full or a tub full of the correct amino acids as a God-given fact; otherwise, there can be NO protein synthesis. No amino acids, then no protein synthesis. It’s that simple.

Starting with that God-given tub full of the correct 21 amino acids, the probability of getting two correct amino acids in a row by chance alone is (1/21) * (1/21) = “0.0022675737”. That’s two-tenths of a percent, which some people would consider to be within the realm of possibility. It’s highly improbable, but it’s possible for chance to get two amino acids in the correct sequence.

Let’s back up a second. The odds of getting the correct amino acid in the first spot the first time is (1/21), which is “0.0476190476”. The odds are against that happening, but clearly it’s possible to get the correct amino acid in the first spot the first time, assuming that God has already made that amino acid and placed it into the pot, or the tub, or the tube.

The probability of getting three correct amino acids in a row is (1/21) * (1/21) * (1/21) = “0.0001079796998”. That’s 1/10000, which is still within the realm of detectable possibility according to the typical binomial distribution table, which takes things out to .0001 before the table drops to zero probability. It’s extremely improbable for chance to get three correct amino acids in a row, but the hopeful and those operating on blind faith alone will claim that it’s theoretically possible. “There’s still a chance”, they will say.

The probability of getting four correct amino acids in a row is (1/21) * (1/21) * (1/21) * (1/21) = “0.000005141890467”. That’s five chances in a million; and, here we enter into the realm of impossibility. Technically, that’s never going to happen, and it gets worse from there. At some point we have to call it a loss, or call it an impossibility; and for me, this is where it starts to happen.

Here, time really begins to be a factor. Five chances in a million are not good odds. If four amino acids in the wild find each other one time per year by sheer luck alone, it’s going to take nearly a million years on average for the correct four to end up in the right sequence, and then the wind or the sun or the water will immediately destroy them anyway. Even with a God-given tub full of the correct 21 amino acids, God is going to have to stir the pot, or nothing is going to happen. The amino acids will just sit there and do nothing for all eternity, unless someone is stirring the pot. That same person also has to keep that tub full of amino acids in existence for millions of years so that chance has a chance of combining some of them into a useful sequence that is four amino acids long.

Remember, there are NO God-given tRNA molecules, mRNA molecules, and ribosomes in this tub to carry the amino acids to the appropriate ribosome and to stitch the amino acids together into a protein at the ribosome. We are relying upon chance alone to put these amino acids together into proteins. It’s going to take a while to do so.

The probability of CHANCE getting five correct amino acids in a row is “2.4485 e -7”. That’s never going to happen. There’s just no chance that CHANCE can do the job that needs to be done. So, the best that CHANCE can do by chance alone is a protein that is four or five correct amino acids in a row; and, we are being extremely generous here, giving chance the full benefit of the doubt. The whole process is improbable to begin with, and it soon becomes impossible, even with a God-given tub full of the correct 21 amino acids to start with.

Remember, this process starts with a God-given tub full of the correct 21 amino acids, and with NOTHING else in the tub besides those correct amino acids. If you add anything else into the tub, then the probability drops to zero even quicker than it would with a tub full of the correct 21 amino acids. Furthermore, God has to keep stirring this pot or this tub continuously so that the different amino acids are shifting position and coming into contact with each other. If God isn’t there to stir the pot, then nothing is ever going to happen.

God would have to make all of the amino acids in the first place and put them into close proximity to each other so that chance can then combine them into something unusable that is four or five amino acids long. One website stated that the shortest protein in the human genome is 44 amino acids long, and that’s 2140 more than what chance can do by itself. Think about it. It’s true. Chance just isn’t all that reliable. The house always wins, which means that the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists always lose because they are relying exclusively upon chance alone to get the job done.

It’s NEVER going to happen!

It can’t happen. It’s impossible. It’s impossible to do protein synthesis by chance alone. That’s just the way it is.

The claims and the definitions vary from one website to the next, but I also found this on Uncle Google:

Thyroid releasing hormone or TRH should be the smallest protein in the human body, with 234 amino acids. (> 100 amino acids is a protein.) The smallest polypeptide in the human body should be insulin, with 54 amino acids. (10-100 amino acids is a polypeptide.)

Let’s run with this for a minute and see what we get.

The probability of making insulin by chance alone is:


This is equal to: 3.98252109 e -72

This can’t be done by chance alone, even with a God-given tub full of the correct amino acids. Even with God constantly stirring the pot, it would take trillions of trillions of years for such a thing to happen by chance alone. It’s just not going to happen. Our observable universe hasn’t been around long enough for this to happen by chance alone. Insulin was designed and made by God. Without God to design it, make it, fine tune it, and field test it, insulin wouldn’t exist.

The probability of making THR by chance alone is:


When I put this into my graphing calculator, the answer was ZERO (0). Literally. The answer is ZERO. This is NEVER going to happen ever! This is beyond what a graphing calculator can handle. This is beyond what God could do by chance alone!

The probability of making THR by chance alone is ZERO. You can wait for all eternity, and it will NEVER happen, even with a God-given tub full of the correct amino acids or with an ocean full of the correct amino acids. It’s NEVER going to happen. Making THR by chance alone is impossible. It can’t happen by chance alone. It requires some kind of intelligent and deliberate intervention.

If it were possible to make genes and proteins by chance alone, then we should also be finding computer chips and computers and calculators that were made by chance alone, given all the sand and minerals that we have on this planet, and the constant stirring that is taking place. It is obvious that genes, proteins, genomes, life forms, computer chips, and computers can ONLY be made through intelligent design and intelligent intervention. It is obvious that these things cannot arise through chance alone.

It is obvious that God made your polypeptides and your proteins! Each protein or polypeptide that you encounter is God’s Signature. Proteins are impossible to make by chance alone. It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done that way. God designed and made your proteins and polypeptides. God also made the matching genes to go along with those polypeptides and proteins. The probability of anything like that arising by chance alone is ZERO. It’s impossible. It’s NEVER going to happen.

Your genome is God’s Signature, and that Signature is written on every cell in your body. Polypeptides and proteins are also God’s Signature, and that Signature is also written on you and throughout you. You were made by God whether you realize it or not. According to the probabilities and the statistics, there is no chance that I am wrong.

I just used Science and Statistics to PROVE that God exists. God has to exist, or genomes and proteins wouldn’t exist. God has to exist, or you wouldn’t exist. It’s that simple. I’ve been doing this for a few years now, and I’m getting better at it. I’m not afraid of the truth anymore, like I used to be when I was a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, and atheist. I simply tell it as it is. Your proteins and genes were deliberately and intelligently MADE. Anything that is obviously made obviously has a Maker who made it. Our genes and proteins were obviously MADE; therefore, our genes and proteins obviously have an Intelligent Maker who designed them and made them. It’s obvious that this is true.

Because I’m a mathematician, statistician, logician, and quantum theorist, I understand the math, and I understand probability and chance. For me personally, this is one of the most convincing Scientific and Statistical Proofs of God’s Existence that I have ever encountered; and, I have encountered dozens of them, which I found convincing.

Mark My Words





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