Falsifying Einstein and Classical Realism














Falsifying Einstein’s Classical Realism with Non-Locality, Human Choice, Action at a Distance, and Quantum Entanglement



If you want to make a quantum leap in your Science, Logic, Knowledge, and Understanding of Reality, then search for and study ALL of the different things which the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists are trying to hide from you.  There are thousands of such things, waiting for you to find them and understand them.  I encourage you to take that quantum leap with me.

As of 2019, the last loophole for Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Einstein’s Classical Physics has been FALSIFIED; and, Quantum Entanglement or Spooky Action at a Distance has once again been verified.  That’s officially the end of Materialism and Naturalism.  They have been falsified by Quantum Mechanics or Energy Mechanics.  They have been falsified by Non-Locality, Action at a Distance, and Quantum Entanglement.

PBS NOVA “Einstein’s Quantum Riddle – Entanglement Theory Proved” – 1/9/19


Here are the paraphrased highlights.  As scientists, we are officially done with Materialism and Naturalism.  Instantaneous Action at a Distance reigns supreme in Science.  Distance, Locality, Time, Space, and Entropy cease to exist at the quantum level or the psyche level (energy level) of existence and reality.  Space and time are created by entangled particles.  Our three-dimensional reality is an illusion or an emergent property of the timeless and spaceless quantum realm or spiritual realm.  Entanglement or Action at a Distance is what forms the true fabric of the universe.  It’s non-physical or non-local.  It’s based upon Quantum Mechanics or Energy Mechanics.  It has NO physical limitations and NO physical restrictions.  The physical laws and physical limitations ONLY exist at the physical level.  They cease to exist at the quantum level or the psyche level.  The Theory of Relativity has been FALSIFIED or has been limited exclusively to the physical realm.  The Theory of Relativity is the ultimate theory of Classical Physics, Materialism, and Naturalism; but, it doesn’t exist at the quantum level or the psyche level.

Space, space-time, or distance literally disappears and ceases to exist at the quantum level in the quantum world or the spirit world.  In the quantum mechanical world, there is no space, no time, and no distance.  There are NO physical limitations.

Understanding Quantum Mechanics will only happen when we put ourselves on the entanglement side, and we stop privileging the world that we can see and touch, and start thinking about the world as it actually is.  We must use Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Tunneling, Psyche or Intelligence or Life Force, and Action at a Distance to FALSIFY Classical Physics, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Chemical Evolution, Spontaneous Generation, and Creation Ex Nihilo or Atheism; and then, we need to start thinking about the world and the universe as it actually is.  We need to stop breaking things down into parts or particles, and start thinking of the universe as one united whole or one universal Matrix of Quantum Fields.  We are done with Materialism and Naturalism.

The basic motivation is just to learn how Nature and Reality truly work.  We need to know what’s really going on, when it comes to the quantum level and Action at a Distance.  Time, Space, Distance, and Entropy literally disappear and cease to exist at the quantum level.  Einstein said it nicely when he stated that he’s not interested in this little detail or that little detail.  Einstein just wanted to know, what were God’s thoughts when He created the world and our universe?  This from NOVA and PBS itself!


Scientific Proof of Non-Locality or Quantum Entanglement





























Einstein’s Quantum Riddle















In Science, It’s Time to Replace Falsehoods with Truths


This NOVA PBS episode, “Einstein’s Quantum Riddle”, is officially the end of Materialism, Naturalism, Physicalism, Atomism, and their derivatives.

Now all we need is a similar episode or series from National Geographic providing all the different things that FALSIFY the Theory of Evolution or Darwinism, and we will finally have the truth in our hands from which we can start to build something new and better.  They can start with the following:





The Probability of a Protein Forming by Chance


The Probability of Making a Protein


Evidence for Creation by Outside Intervention


These videos are worth owning, watching, and keeping.  I archived them so that they can’t disappear on me while I’m alive.


Falsifying Classical Realism


Anytime that instantaneous Action at a Distance is verified, Materialism, Naturalism, Classical Physics, Classical Realism, the Faster-than-Light Speed Limit, and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity are falsified.  It’s Einstein’s Theory of Relativity that is false or inadequate, NOT Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Action at a Distance, and Conservation of Energy.  Whenever a choice has to be made between Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (Classical Physics) and Quantum Mechanics (Instantaneous Action at a Distance), Quantum Mechanics should be chosen every time because Action at a Distance or Quantum Entanglement has been experimentally verified every time.

Quantum objects do not have physical limitations.  They are unlimited.  When objects achieve the speed of light, time stops, and distance goes to zero.  From the perspective of photons traveling at the speed of light, time stops, distance goes to zero, and they simply quantum tunnel to their destination.  Photons experience nothing from start to finish because, from their perspective, there is no passage of time, there is no distance from start to finish, and therefore there is nothing for them to experience.

From our perspective trapped in physical space-time, some of those photons take 13.2 billion years to reach us; but, from their perspective, they simply quantum tunnel to their destination and experience no passage of time during their journey.  That’s the way the theory of relativity really works.  As photons and other quantum objects achieve the speed-of-light, time stops and distance goes to zero.

Everything is instantaneous at the quantum level.  There is no quantum speed-limit because there is no distance and there is no space-time or entropy at the quantum level.  Everything is omnipresent at the quantum level.  In the quantum realm, physical space-time and entropy cease to exist.  These are physical phenomena or physical limitations – God’s attempt to slow everything down for us so that we can live it, experience it, learn from it, and remember having done so.  At the quantum level, there are NO physical limitations.

Whether they realize it or not, this is officially the end of Classical Physics, Classical Realism, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, the Theory of Relativity, and even Atheism or Creation Ex Nihilo.  Physical matter is NOT the fundamental stuff from which our universe was made.  Energy is.  Quantum Mechanics or Spiritual Mechanics is in fact Energy Mechanics – the way that energy or psyche really works at the quantum level.

What is Energy?


In this PBS Space-Time video, Matt repeatedly states that energy is NOT fundamental.  So, what could be more fundamental than energy?  I want to know.  Don’t you?

He never really answers that question except to suggest that the Laws that the energy is using to form itself into physical matter would have to be more fundamental or more essential than the energy itself.  Said another way, the “potential” has to be more fundamental than the energy which contains that potential.

At the beginning of the video, Matt defines energy as “a mathematical relationship between more fundamental quantities”.  Later, he also says that energy is a hint of something more fundamental.  I’m curious to know what could be more fundamental than energy.  Eventually, Matt makes the claim that the Theory of Relativity, the Expanding Universe, and Physical Laws in General are more fundamental than the conservation of energy and therefore more fundamental than energy.

In this video, Matt treats energy as a property or a function or a product of Classical Physics or Newtonian Mechanics.  Matt limits his thought experiment to space-time or physical reality.  Matt basically defines energy’s quantum aspects out-of-existence from the start, so that he can then demonstrate violation or falsification of Conservation of Energy, which seems to be his ultimate goal.  Matt binds energy to space-time so as to make energy compatible with Einstein’s special relativity, general relativity, and the speed-of-light limitation on physical matter.

As a dedicated Materialist, Naturalist, and Atheist, Matt treats energy as a physical phenomenon or from the perspective of classical physics, and he then teaches that Conservation of Energy and “Living Force” are falsified or broken by friction, general relativity, and an expanding physical universe.

Matt erroneously states that energy is NOT conserved on the scale of an expanding universe, which he then says leads to effects like dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe.  This error derives from his determination to define energy as a physical phenomenon.  Physical phenomena are NOT conserved.  At the physical level, energy seems to be unconserved at the scale of an expanding universe because that energy is being converted into dark energy and being used to expand the universe – a quantum phenomenon and NOT a physical phenomenon.  The energy is always conserved, just not at the physical level.  Matt makes this error because he deliberately gives priority to Classical Physics and the Theory of Relativity over Quantum Mechanics and the Conservation of Energy.  It’s an error that everyone continues to make because they don’t believe in Spooky Action at a Distance or Universal Conservation of Energy.

Energy is always conserved at the quantum level.  When we convert physical matter into energy during a nuclear explosion, the physical matter is NOT conserved; but, all of the energy is conserved at the quantum level.

Matt also states that, “Conservation of energy is invalid in the context of Einstein’s theory of general relativity due to the potential time evolution of space.  Energy is not fundamental”.  In other words, General Relativity and Space-Time falsify Conservation of Energy, thereby making Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Classical Physics more fundamental than energy.  He seems to be saying that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Classical Physics, Materialism, Creation Ex Nihilo, and Naturalism are more fundamental than energy or more fundamental than the conservation of energy.  Since the physical laws are more fundamental than energy, according to Matt, my question becomes, “Who made the physical laws in the first place, and what within the energy is making that energy obey these physical laws?”

Matt deliberately gives priority to Classical Physics, Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism thereby giving us a model of reality that seems to violate the conservation of energy.  In contrast, thanks to recent scientific experimentation, we have the proven and verified existence of Non-Locality, Quantum Entanglement, Universal Conservation of Energy, Quantum Fields, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Tunneling, the Quantum Zeno Effect, and Action at a Distance FALSIFYING Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Classical Physics, Newtonian Mechanics, Materialism, Naturalism, Mechanism, and even Darwinism or Atheism.

They both can’t be right.

If Action at a Distance is true, then energy is conserved at all levels of existence, and both Matt and Einstein have been proven wrong.  If Matt, Einstein, Newtonian Mechanics, Classical Physics, and the Speed-Limits of the Theory of Relativity are true, then Action at a Distance or Quantum Entanglement or Non-Locality can’t possibly be true.  So which is it?  ALL of the science experiments are telling us that Matt and Einstein are wrong, and that Action at a Distance, Conservation of Energy, and Quantum Mechanics are true.

Whenever a choice has to be made between Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (Classical Physics) and Quantum Mechanics (Instantaneous Action at a Distance), Quantum Mechanics should be chosen every time because Action at a Distance or Quantum Entanglement has been experimentally verified every time.

Matt repeatedly violates this proven truth in his PBS Videos by constantly giving Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Classical Physics priority over Quantum Mechanics and Instantaneous Action at a Distance.  It’s what they all do, even though the experiments prove them wrong.

Energy or light seems to be the fundamental stuff from which everything is made, including psyche, life force, intelligence, thought, quantum waves, quantum fields, spirit matter or dark matter, gravity, magnetism, and physical matter.

But, there does indeed have to be something or someone even more fundamental who designed and made the universal blueprints or the physical laws from which physical matter is made.  All the atoms across our universe seem to be compatible with each other, which means that they are being made from the same universal blueprint or the same set of universal laws.  This Law-Maker and Law-Enforcer, who designed and made the quantum fields and the universal blueprints upon which physical matter depends, would in fact have to be more fundamental and more essential than the energy itself.  This organizing principle, or organizing consciousness, or syntropy, or organizing force would have to be more fundamental and primal than the energy that’s being organized.

The universal blueprints or knowledge or information, that the energy within physical atoms is choosing to conform with, has to be more fundamental than the energy itself.  Now we are starting to move down into David Bohm’s third and fourth implicate orders.



There is a Law of Physics that I developed which states that the smaller always dwells within and controls the larger.  I also observed that Quantum Mechanics is in fact Energy Mechanics, or the way that energy and psyche really work at the quantum level in the non-physical realm.

In other articles, it became obvious that Psyche or the Spark-of-Life is in fact Bohm’s “organizing principle”, second implicate order, or super-implicate order.  Psyche or that pin-prick of light seems to have size, which means that there are probably quantum computers and quantum ram within that psyche or spark-of-light, which means that the quantum machinery that is producing, transmitting, receiving, processing, and storing quantum waves or thoughts would have to be smaller than that Psyche or Spark-of-Life; and therefore, that quantum machinery within the Psyche would be something like Bohm’s third implicate order.  Then the different quantum waves that are being transmitted instantaneously and telepathically between Psyches would be some type of fourth implicate order.  Then whoever is making all of that quantum machinery and producing all of those quantum thoughts would have to be a fifth implicate order, or some type of super-super implicate order, or a Super Psyche.  Bohm says that the implicate order could go all the way down to infinity.  Or, somewhere along the way, there is going to be a point-particle, an infinite singularity, or an intelligence that has NO size and takes up NO space; and, that thing will end up being the fundamental unit of reality and existence.

The proven and verified existence of Quantum Entanglement, Non-Locality, Action at a Distance, or Non-Physicality proves that Einstein’s Classical Realism, Einstein’s Special Relativity (light-speed limit), Classical Physicists, and Atheistic Naturalists like Matt are wrong.  Quantum Information, or Energy, or Thought is being conserved at the quantum level, even though it seems to be getting lost at the physical level into entropy and black holes.

Psyche, Energy, Life Force, Information, and Thought are always conserved.  In contrast, particles are born, and particles can die, according to Quantum Field Theory.  In other words, physical limitations such as the Theory of Relativity and Entropy are NOT conserved.  Physical matter is NOT conserved.  Entropy is NOT conserved at the quantum level.  Space-time and entropy do NOT exist at the quantum level.  They are physical phenomena.  They are not conserved.  It’s the underlying energy, intelligence, psyche, or life force that’s always being conserved – NOT the physical limitations, and NOT the physical laws.

Time Dilation and Length Contraction


“Einstein’s Relativity is WRONG” by Run Ze Cao:


In this video, I was hoping that Run Ze Cao would have used quantum mechanics to falsify Einstein’s claim that the speed-of-light is constant or Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light.  Run Ze Cao failed to do so.

Instead, within this video, Run Ze Cao converts Special Relativity back into Newtonian Mechanics and Classical Physics, and then uses Newtonian Mechanics to falsify Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity.  Cao’s conclusion is that there is NO time dilation and NO length contraction.  Essentially, Cao states that there is NO relativity.  It’s all just Newtonian Physics or Classical Physics.  That would definitely be the case at the physical level where everything is nice and slow and it’s technically impossible to accelerate mass faster than the speed-of-light; but, what about the quantum level?

At the quantum level things are completely different.  According to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, when a quantum object travels at the speed-of-light, time stops and distance contracts to zero.  This is exactly the way things actually work at the quantum level.  Time stops, length contracts to zero, and distance goes to zero.  Everything is instantaneous at the quantum level.  Everything functions at an infinite velocity at the quantum level.  When the passage of time is zero, distance is zero, and velocity is infinite or instantaneous, Classical Physics and Newtonian Mechanics literally cease to exist, and so does Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light.  At the quantum level, there are NO physical limitations, and both Run Ze Cao’s Newtonian Physics and Einstein’s Special Relativity cease to have meaning.  It’s impossible to run math on zero time, zero length, zero distance, and infinite velocities.  We have to switch over to something completely different once an object achieves the speed-of-light and transfers into the Quantum Realm or the Spirit World.

While attempting to falsify Einstein’s Special Relativity, Run Ze Cao concludes that there is no time dilation nor length contraction.

Time dilation has been verified by scientific experimentation which means that Run Ze Cao’s conclusions are wrong, which means that Run Ze Cao got something wrong that Einstein managed to get right.







Time dilation has been experienced and observed.  Ultimately, the purpose of Science is to explain what has been experienced and observed.  When Run Ze Cao states that there is NO time dilation, Run Ze Cao “explains” it by ignoring it or deleting it.  Claiming that time dilation does not exist doesn’t explain what it is or how it works.  Time dilation has been experienced and observed.  Einstein actually attempts to explain what time dilation is and how it works.  Run Ze Cao does not.  In materialistic and naturalistic fashion, Run Ze Cao sweeps time dilation and length contraction under the rug and pretends that they don’t exist.  Technically, that’s dogmatism, and NOT Science.  Run Ze Cao is dogmatic about his claim that time dilation and length contraction do not exist.  He’s also wrong.

In order to falsify Einstein’s Special Relativity, Run Ze Cao employs Newtonian Mechanics and Classical Physics to “prove” that there is NO time dilation and NO length contraction or distance contraction.  Run Ze Cao essentially falsifies Quantum Mechanics as well, by converting everything back into Newtonian Mechanics.  I don’t buy it.

The science experiments prove that Cao is wrong, and that Einstein was right.  I choose to go with what has been experienced and observed.

According to the Theory of Relativity, as an object achieves the speed of light, time stops, distance goes to zero, length contracts to zero, and velocity goes to infinity.  The results match with Quantum Tunneling and Quantum Mechanics, which have been experienced and observed.  The purpose of Science is to explain what has been experienced and observed.  In the Quantum Realm, everything is capable of quantum tunneling, or infinite velocities, or instantaneous action at a distance.  This is what has actually been experienced and observed.  Therefore, we need to find a way to explain it.

At the quantum level, at the speed-of-light, time literally goes to zero, which means that distance either goes to zero or quantum objects simply teleport or quantum tunnel to their destination every time.  Quantum tunneling or teleportation has been experienced and observed.  Therefore, as scientists, we need to find a way to explain it.

Einstein and Cao don’t understand the implications of Quantum Mechanics and instantaneous Action at a Distance, because they insist on remaining within the realm of Classical Physics.  Both Classical Physics and Cao’s Newtonian Physics can’t explain instantaneous Action at a Distance, which has been experienced and observed.

Remember, at the speed-of-light at the quantum level from a quantum perspective, time goes to zero, distance goes to zero, length contracts to zero, and velocity goes to infinity.  There is NO speed limit at the quantum level!  At the speed-of-light, we switch from Locality, Classical Physics, the Theory of Relativity, Physical Matter, Thermodynamics, Classical Realism, and Newtonian Mechanics OVER TO Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Non-Locality, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Tunneling, Instantaneous Psychic Telepathy, Non-Physicality, and Instantaneous Action at a Distance.  The speed-of-light is the turning point from Classical Physics to Quantum Mechanics.  This is what has actually been experienced and observed.  In the Quantum Realm, entropy, physical space-time, locality, the theory of relativity, and physical limitations cease to exist.  At the speed-of-light, we switch from the Physical Realm to the Quantum Realm.  Quantum Mechanics is Energy Mechanics, not Physical Mechanics.  At the speed-of-light, physical matter or mass ceases to exist, energy is always conserved, psyche or consciousness reigns supreme, time stops, distance goes to zero, length contracts to zero, and velocities can be infinite.

Therefore, all of Cao’s and Einstein’s thought experiments and train experiments with internal observers and external observers go out the window and cease to be valid at the quantum level because time stops, distance goes to zero, length contracts to zero, and velocity goes to infinity at the quantum level.  Entropy, the Theory of Relativity, Locality, Distance, Space-Time, and the passage of time no longer exist and no longer apply at the quantum level.  Everything is omnipresent at the quantum level.  Energy or Psyche is always conserved.  The Psyche Realm or the Quantum Realm is a whole other reality that has nothing to do with Einstein’s Relativity nor Cao’s Newtonian Mechanics.  There’s a completely different set of physical laws in the Quantum Realm at the speed-of-light or faster.  At the physical level, though, mass or physical matter cannot be accelerated faster than the speed-of-light because once it achieves the speed-of-light, then it no longer has mass and it is no longer physical matter.  It’s energy or spirit matter instead.

Run Ze Cao uses Newtonian Physics, or common sense, to falsify Einstein’s Special Relativity; and, I believe that he fails to do so, especially since he comes to the conclusion that there is no time dilation and that there is no length contraction.

I found and developed a better and more convincing way to falsify Einstein’s Special Relativity by using Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Tunneling, Action at a Distance, and Quantum Entanglement to falsify Einstein’s claim that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light.  Demonstrating the existence of faster-than-light interactions is a better, more convincing, and more verified way of falsifying Special Relativity than Cao’s use of Newtonian Mechanics to falsify the Theory of Relativity.

The title of Cao’s other video, “Surpassing the Speed of Light”, hints at this reality.  If we can get anything going faster than the speed-of-light, then we have in fact falsified Einstein’s Special Relativity or Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light.

Surpassing the Speed of Light


I believe that Cao is wrong and that it is in fact impossible to accelerate mass or physical matter faster than the speed-of-light at the physical level.  The speed-of-light was designed and implemented as a legitimate or lawful speed-limit for mass or physical matter at the physical level.  Once we achieve the speed-of-light, then we are no longer in the physical realm but are in the quantum realm instead.

At the physical level, time dilation has been verified which means that Cao’s conclusions have been falsified.  However, at the quantum level, there are no physical limitations; and therefore, at the quantum level there is no entropy, no passage of time, no space-time, no distance, no length, and no locality.  Everything at the quantum level can quantum tunnel or teleport at will.  At the quantum level, Action at a Distance reigns supreme; and, the proven and verified existence of Action at a Distance is the thing that successfully FALSIFIES Einstein’s Special Relativity and Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light.

Einstein was wrong, but not for the reason that Cao says that Einstein was wrong.  Einstein was wrong for the reason that both Cao and Einstein were wrong – Action at a Distance or Faster-than-Light Interactions.  Remember, according to the Theory of Relativity, at the speed-of-light, time stops, length contracts to zero, and distance goes to zero.  The whole thing integrates or goes to unity, like in calculus.  At the speed-of-light, Classical Physics or Newtonian Mechanics ceases to exist, and we switch over to Quantum Mechanics instead.  At the quantum level, everything is capable of infinite velocity.  There is no distance and no passage of time because there is NO space-time at the quantum level and NO entropy at the quantum level.

It’s impossible to do math with zero time or stopped time, zero distance, zero length, and infinite velocity, which explains why the Gods created physical matter, physical limitations, and physical space-time in the first place, so that we could measure it and understand it.  A physical reality is the ultimate consensus reality.  In a physical reality, the Gods slow things down for us and stretch things out for us so that we can experience them, learn from them, experiment with them, and actually remember having done so.  When time goes to zero, distance goes to zero, and velocity goes to infinity in the Quantum Realm, we are dealing with a whole other reality that has nothing to do with Entropy, Thermodynamics, Classical Physics, Classical Realism, Newtonian Mechanics, the Theory of Relativity, Space-Time, Distance, Length, or Physical Matter.  The Quantum Realm has its own set of rules.

ALL of Cao’s and Einstein’s math and thought experiments become completely meaningless at the quantum level when space-time and distance cease to exist, and everything can teleport instantaneously to any destination of its choosing.  We need a whole other conception, a whole other theory, and a whole other set of mathematics when time stops, distances goes to zero, length contracts to zero, velocity becomes infinite, and everything is omnipresent as it is in the Quantum Realm or Spirit World.  This is the thing that nobody seems to get because they don’t want it to be true.  Yet, it all makes perfect logical sense once we choose to let go of Classical Physics or Newtonian Mechanics at speeds faster than the speed-of-light.  Instantaneous Action at a Distance, Quantum Tunneling, and Teleportation are easy to understand and explain once a person chooses to do so.  Infinite velocity or zero distance is really easy to understand, once we realize that they actually exist in the Quantum Realm.

Remember, whenever a particle achieves the speed-of-light, we should switch from the Theory of Relativity and Classical Physics OVER TO Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, and Quantum Field Theory in order to explain it.  We don’t explain it and we can’t explain it by claiming that it does not exist!  Instantaneous Action at a Distance has been experienced and observed.  It’s time for scientists to start to explain it rather than stating that it does not exist.  Stating that it doesn’t exist doesn’t explain what it is and how it works.  Likewise, stating that time dilation and length contraction do not exist, as Run Ze Cao does, doesn’t explain what they are and how they work.  Time dilation has been experienced and observed.  As scientists, we must explain what it is and how it works.  Einstein attempts to do so, and Run Ze Cao does not.


Falsifying Special Relativity


Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity states that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light.  This claim is demonstrably false; and therefore, the Theory of Relativity is demonstrably false.

Think about it logically.  What have we observed?

A majority of our scientists claim to believe in the Big Bang Theory and truly believe that the Big Bang happened.  If they are right, then we had to have a period of faster-than-light inflation just after the Big Bang in order to eliminate the horizon problem.  The way that this was possible according to the theorists is due to the fact that nothing was physical yet, and space-time didn’t exist yet.  In other words, just after the Big Bang, everything was still quantum in nature and origin, which meant that it was able to travel faster than the speed-of-light, and which means that our early physical universe was able to expand faster than the speed-of-light thereby falsifying or overcoming Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.  If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, then you absolutely must believe in inflation, which means that you must believe in non-physical quantum phenomena that travel or expand faster than the speed-of-light.  There is no other way to explain inflation logically.  Inflation had to be quantum and faster-than-light in order to have worked.  It could never have been a physical phenomenon.

Modern-day scientists have concluded that thanks to dark energy, our current physical universe is now expanding faster than the speed-of-light.  The only way that’s possible is if Einstein’s Special Relativity is false.  Anytime the scientists discover Action at a Distance or Faster-than-Light Expansion, we are in fact looking at something that falsifies Einstein’s Special Relativity and his claim that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light.  Einstein was wrong.  Remember, the repeated experimentally proven and verified existence of Quantum Tunneling, Action at a Distance, Non-Locality, FTL Expansion, and Quantum Entanglement FALSIFY Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Classical Realism, Classical Physics, Materialism, Naturalism, and Einstein’s claim that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light.  The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.

The Quantum Tunneling or Teleportation of physical matter has been experienced and observed.  It’s real.  It’s a proven phenomenon that has to be taken into consideration while making CPU’s, RAM, and other computer chips.  By definition, in principle or actuality, Quantum Tunneling is faster-than-light.  The fact of Quantum Tunneling – the fact that electrons and physical atoms can quantum tunnel or teleport under certain conditions – FALSIFIES Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light.  In this case, it’s not movement that we are talking about.  It’s teleportation.  Remember, Quantum Tunneling is always faster-than-light, which means that Quantum Tunneling whenever it is observed falsifies Einstein’s Special Relativity and Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light.

The proven and verified Quantum Zeno Effect FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Classical Physics, Classical Realism, and even Atheism or Creation Ex Nihilo.  Atoms freeze or hold still whenever we look at them.  Atoms stop quantum tunneling whenever we look at them.  Atoms can read your mind at a distance – psyche-to-psyche.  They know when you are looking at them, and they know when you are not looking at them.  Atoms are psychic, telepathic, intelligent, conscious, and alive.  This is telepathy or Action at a Distance in action.  Anytime that we prove or verify the existence of Action at a Distance, Non-Locality, Non-Physicality, or Quantum Entanglement of any kind, we in fact falsify Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Classical Physics, Materialism, Naturalism, and Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster or function faster than the speed-of-light.  Both the Quantum Tunneling of physical matter and the Quantum Zeno Effect have been observed.  These quantum phenomena happen faster-than-light and are in fact examples of Action at a Distance.  Every time that the scientists observe and verify Action at a Distance, they do in fact falsify the part of Einstein’s Special Relativity which states that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light.  The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.  Quantum Tunneling, Action at a Distance, Quantum Entanglement, and the Quantum Zeno Effect have been repeatedly experienced and observed.

According to the Theory of Relativity, when a photon or any other quantum object reaches the speed-of-light, time stops, and distance goes to zero.  Distance goes to zero!  At the speed-of-light, quantum objects become omnipresent at the quantum level.  In other words, they seem to travel at an infinite velocity.  From the perspective of the photon traveling at the speed-of-light, time has stopped, entropy has stopped or ceased to exist, the photon experiences NO passage of time, and distance literally goes to zero.  The photon literally quantum tunnels to its destination.  From its perspective, the photon travels at an infinite velocity.  In fact, a photon doesn’t launch if it knows that it has nowhere to go.  A photon knows where it is going to land before it launches.  From our perspective a photon can take 13.2 billion years to reach us; but, from the photon’s perspective at the speed-of-light, time stops, and that photon experiences no passage of time, and it simply quantum tunnels instantaneously to its destination experiencing nothing during the interim.  In this situation, the truths associated with the Theory of Relativity actually falsify Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light and therefore these truths falsify Special Relativity.  The truth is that at the quantum level, entropy, the passage of time, space-time, time, locality, physical limitations, speed limits, and distance cease to exist or go to zero.  This is what has actually been experienced and observed.  It ALL falsifies the part of Einstein’s Special Relativity which states that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light.

Mass is resistance to acceleration.  That means that objects that are given mass end up manifesting at the physical level in the physical realm; and, they are then subjected to all the physical restrictions or physical limitations of Classical Physics or the Theory of Relativity, including entropy, the passage of time, distance, locality, and a sub-light speed limit.  It’s physically impossible to accelerate mass or physical matter faster than the speed-of-light because mass is resistance to acceleration.  However, all the different non-physical quantum objects that have NO mass such as photons, quantum waves, and quantum fields have NO resistance to acceleration which means that they have NO speed limit at the quantum level.  Quantum Fields and Consciousness are omnipresent at the quantum level, and both quantum waves and photons have NO speed limit at the quantum level because space-time, entropy, the passage of time, time, distance, and locality cease to exist at the quantum level from their perspective.  The whole thing is relative to one’s perspective.  Mass and physical limitations literally cease to exist at the quantum level in the spirit world or the psyche realm.  There is no resistance to acceleration at the quantum level, which means that non-local quantum objects travel at an infinite velocity in the spirit world or the quantum realm.  In the spirit world, quantum objects move in a different time stream than the one that exists at the physical level, because all the physical limitations cease to exist at the quantum level or the psyche level including entropy or the passage of time.  Space-time is a physical phenomenon.  Space-time, or distance and time, go to zero at the speed-of-light, which means that there are NO speed limits at the quantum level in the Psyche Realm.

At the speed-of-light, physical space-time literally goes to zero.  Time stops, and distance goes to zero.  The physical realm effectively ceases to exist at the speed-of-light.  All physical limitations, including entropy or the passage of time, cease to exist at the quantum level.  At the quantum level, everything is capable of infinite velocities or omnipresence.  In other words, everything can quantum tunnel at the quantum level.  There is no such thing as thermodynamics at the quantum level.  At the quantum level, psyche or energy is always conserved.

According to Quantum Field Theory, particles are born, and particles can die; but, the energy is always conserved.  The fundamental axiom of Quantum Field Theory states that particles are born, and particles can die.  That means that particles are NOT conserved.  Only the energy within the particles is conserved.  Physical matter and entropy are NEVER conserved.  We destroy physical matter in nuclear explosions; and, we make new physical matter from energy in our particle accelerators.  Physical matter is made from energy and then destroyed and converted back into energy all the time.  Physical matter and entropy are NEVER conserved.  Only energy or psyche or the quantum is conserved.

Energy is infinitely malleable.  Every psyche or intelligence or life force has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control.  The controlling psyche can form the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, including quantum waves, quantum fields, spirit matter or dark matter, or even physical matter.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  Quantum fields are non-physical and pre-physical.  The Gods or Controlling Psyches had to design and make the Matrix of Quantum Fields BEFORE they could then make and sustain physical matter and other types of particles.  The quantum fields had to be made before mass and physical matter could be made.

Here’s the rub.  The Theory of Relativity is a part of Classical Physics, and NOT a part of Quantum Mechanics.  Physical limits do not exist at the quantum level or the psyche level.  There is NO speed-of-light limitation at the quantum level!  It has been observed that the speed-of-light is a physical limit and only applies at the physical level within Bohm’s explicate order.  Speed limits are non-existent at the quantum level within Bohm’s implicate order.  There are NO physical limitations at the quantum level or the psyche level.  The speed-of-light limit, entropy, time, distance, and space-time cease to exist or go to zero at the quantum level or the psyche level.  That’s the way things really work.  Even the other parts of the Theory of Relativity that are true tell us that that’s how things really work at the quantum level and the psyche level.  At the speed-of-light, time stops, distance goes to zero, entropy or the passage of time ceases to exist, and the particle functions according to quantum laws instead of functioning according to physical laws and physical limitations.

The whole of science and quantum physics as we know them to be and have observed them and experienced them to be FALSIFY Special Relativity and Einstein’s claim that nothing can move faster than the speed-of-light.  The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.

People correctly state that the Scientific Method cannot be used to prove anything to be true.  However, there is a loophole that most scientists choose to ignore.  The Scientific Methods can be used to prove theories false.  Observation and experience can be used to prove theories false.  Science experiments can be used to prove theories false.  All of these things have been used to prove Einstein’s speed-limits false, meaning that all of these have been used to prove parts of the Theory of Relativity to be false.

You see, if you successfully eliminate everything that is false, then ONLY the truth will remain.  This process of elimination starts by FALSIFYING Classical Realism, Einstein’s Light-Speed Limit, the parts of the Theory of Relativity that are false, Classical Physics, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atomism, Spontaneous Generation, Chemical Evolution, Macro-Evolution, Design and Creation by Natural Selection, and Creation Ex Nihilo or Atheism.  If you successfully eliminate everything that is false and everything that has been falsified, the ONLY the truth will remain.

After you have eliminated everything that is false and everything that has been falsified – everything that has NEVER been experienced NOR observed – then you end up with the truth which is comprised of Psyche or Intelligence or Consciousness, Intelligent Design and Creation at all levels of reality and existence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Tunneling, Action at a Distance, Quantum Entanglement, Non-Locality, the Quantum Zeno Effect, the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, a Quantum Realm or Spirit World, some type of After-Life, and the resurrected Biblical God Jesus Christ.  All of these things have been experienced and observed zillions of times by millions of different people.  The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed.

Mark My Words

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Psyche and the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics

Psyche and the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics








Psyche and the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics


One of my greatest scientific discoveries is Psyche and its relationship to the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.  Psyche is the Ultimate Cause which means that Psyche is the ultimate causal agent or the ultimate causal force.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the ability to obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.




I have been a scientist all of my life; and after 55 years of life, I finally found what I have been searching for all of my life – an explanation for how everything works at all levels of existence or reality.

I found the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

I found what I was looking for in Quantum Mechanics, Action at a Distance, Psyche, or Syntropy.  It explains everything!

As a result of these discoveries, I upgraded my science.

I have made some fascinating discoveries during my science career.  Ironically, most of what I have discovered has already been discovered by someone else before me; but, I chose to do something unique that has never been done before.  I chose to give each scientific discovery a quantum mechanical explanation, a psychic explanation, or a spiritual explanation.  I chose to take Quantum Mechanics and Psyche seriously, which most scientists have never done before.  Consequently, it makes it seem as if I have made a wide variety of different scientific discoveries that have never been discovered before when in fact I have not.  I’ve simply discovered what others have chosen to ignore and reject.

Even Psyche or Intelligence has been experienced and observed, which means that it has already been discovered; but, I chose to do something different that hasn’t been done before.  I chose to include it in Science; and, I chose to try to define it and explain what it is and how it works.

Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy that have ever been discovered or observed.  The psyche within energy gives all the different forms of energy the ability to hear God’s commands, understand God’s commands, and obey God’s commands.  Psyche is the “organizing force” or the “law following force” within our universe.  Psyche is identified by choice, particularly its choice to obey the quantum laws and the physical laws.

Physical matter, spirit matter, and dark matter are simply different forms of organized energy existing simultaneously in different phases, different frequencies, or different dimensions.  They each have a psyche within them that gives them the ability to obey God’s Laws.  God provides the Laws; and, the psyche within the different forms of energy provides the obedience to those Laws.  Matter is organized energy or lawful energy.  Someone Psyche within that matter is choosing to obey the Quantum Laws and the Physical Laws; otherwise, it would be nothing but random chaos.

A LAW in order to be a Law requires some kind of intelligent Law Giver and Law Enforcer.  Laws are worthless without some type of uniformity, order, and enforcement.  The thing that most people don’t realize is that Laws also require Someone Psyche with enough intelligence and understanding to actually choose to obey those Laws.  Without Someone Psyche or someone intelligent enough to function as the Law Follower or the Law Obeyer, Laws are also completely worthless.  Laws are pointless unless there is someone intelligent enough, within the different forms of energy, who is capable of actually choosing to obey those Laws.  This is logical common sense.  I have a feeling that it has all been discovered before; but, nobody ever takes the time to actually look at everything from the perspective of Psyche.

Psyche is the innate intelligence, within all the different forms of energy, which gives those different forms of energy the ability to obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.


The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics


Time and entropy were made by God, which means that God can change them, manipulate them, and even destroy them.  Entropy is like a clock.  It keeps track of the passage of time within physical matter or entropic matter.  A clock is made, and a clock can be destroyed or come to an end.  Entropy was made, which means that entropy can be disassembled and turned back into raw energy.  Physical matter was made, which means that physical matter can be disassembled and turned back into raw energy.  Entropy and physical matter are NOT conserved.

Physical matter, space-time, space or locality, and time or entropy were made by God, which means that God can change them, manipulate them, and even eliminate them.

It’s the underlying Energy or Syntropy or Psyche that are being conserved, not the physical matter nor the entropy.  Physical matter, spirit matter, entropy, space, and time are simply different forms of energy.  The form is never conserved.  Physical matter and entropy are never conserved.  They are temporary.  The form is constantly being changed by God as God sees fit.  This is the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.  The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics differentiates between what is being conserved and what is not conserved.  Psyche, Syntropy, or Energy is conserved.  Physical matter and entropy are NOT conserved.

It’s the Energy, or the Syntropy, or the Psyche that cannot be made nor destroyed.  God cannot make Energy, Syntropy, or Psyche, and God cannot destroy Energy, Syntropy, or Psyche.  It’s the Energy, or the Syntropy, or the Intelligence that’s eternal and everlasting without a beginning of days or an end of years.  It’s the Energy, or the Syntropy, or the Psyche who is being conserved.  However, God can transform raw energy or unorganized energy into anything He wants it to be, including physical matter, physical bodies, genomes, proteins, planets, stars, galaxies, spirit bodies, forces, fields, space, time, locality, and entropy.  The form is never conserved.  The form can change as God sees fit.  It’s the underlying Energy, Syntropy, or Psyche that’s being conserved.

This is called the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.  It explains everything that we human beings have ever encountered.

It’s one eternal round.

Time or entropy, space or locality, physical constants, physical laws, physical matter, physical genomes, physical proteins, physical planets, physical stars, physical galaxies, and physical universes are made and disassembled by God as He sees fit.  Only the underlying Psyche, Syntropy, or Energy is being conserved.  The energy cannot be made, nor can it be destroyed.  The energy or psyche has always existed and will always exist.  It is syntropic, without a beginning of days or an end of years.  It is eternal and everlasting.  God’s Psyche has always existed and will always exist.  Your psyche or your intelligence has always existed and will always exist.  Energy or psyche is syntropic which means that it is always being conserved; whereas, the form of that energy is never conserved.  The form is constantly being changed by God as God sees fit.

This is called the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.  It is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics is hidden within the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that energy is conserved.

The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems.  The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another but can be neither created nor destroyed.


Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.  Psyche can neither be created nor destroyed.  Psyche is the intelligence or the life force within energy that gives energy the ability to obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Psyche or Energy is conserved.  The First Law of Thermodynamics tells us that the energy is constant and that the energy is conserved – not the FORM of that energy.  Energy can be transformed from one form to another, which means that the FORM is never conserved.

Transformed by whom?

Transformation of any kind requires Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent to instigate, originate, initiate, and start that transformation.  Any type of beginning requires Someone Psyche to cause it to begin; otherwise, random chaos would continue to reign supreme.

The Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics emphasizes that the FORM is never conserved, which means that the different FORMS of energy such as physical matter, entropy, space, locality, and time are never conserved.  Whenever something is formed or made or organized, that means that its FORM is not being conserved.  Only Psyche or Energy is syntropic or conserved.  Energy or Psyche cannot be created, and it cannot be destroyed.  However, energy can be transformed into many different things by the Gods or by Someone Psyche.  The FORM is never conserved.  Only the underlying energy is conserved.

Remember, the Gods can form energy into anything.  The form is never conserved because the Gods can always transform that energy into something else whenever they choose to do so.  The Gods have complete control over everything at the quantum level or the psyche level, except for your choices.  Your psyche or your energy is being conserved, which means that your choices and your ability to choose is being conserved.  It’s eternal and everlasting.

These realities and truths explain everything that we human beings have ever experienced or observed.




All of this was a long time in coming, fifty-five years, but I finally got there in the end.  Still, I wish I would have known about all of this stuff forty years ago.  It would have saved me a lot of time and grief.

ALL of my greatest scientific discoveries and scientific observations have pointed me directly to God because ONLY God’s Psyche could have done ALL of the science which needed to be done at the time that these various things came into existence.  This is obvious and clear to me now; but, it wasn’t when I was a Materialist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  Go with the BEST and get rid of all the rest.  That’s what I finally decided to do; and, you can too.  All of this came open to my view, once I got rid of My Materialism, My Scientism, My Nihilism, and My Atheism.

If you really want to do Science, you start by getting rid of the pseudo-sciences, such as Darwinism, Materialism, and Naturalism.  Then you switch over to Observation or Lived Experience for your scientific evidence and your Science.  Through Lived Experiences, including spiritual experiences, you can go directly to KNOWING the TRUTH which is something that you can’t do with the scientific methods and philosophical speculation.  I never realized how powerful and revelatory Lived Experience can be, until after I got rid of My Materialism, My Atheism, My Nihilism, and My Scientism.

I never realized how weak and insubstantial the scientific methods and science really are until AFTER Joseph Rychlak, Brent Slife, and Edwin Gantt pointed out all the different logic fallacies that are built into the scientific methods.  These are concepts which you will never get from your materialistic and atheistic college professors because these people want you believing that science and the scientific methods are infallible.

There was a time in my life when I truly believed that Science and the scientific methods are the ONLY way of finding and knowing the truth.  Boy, was I wrong!  Over fifty years of being wrong!  I’d been duped!  Due to all the different logic fallacies that are built into the scientific methods, we can’t use the scientific methods to prove the truth and to know the truth.  If we want to KNOW the TRUTH, then we have to switch over to Lived Experience or Direct Observation, or we have to choose to trust someone who has had the kinds of Lived Experiences that we wish we would have had.  I KNOW of what I speak, because I have lived it and experienced it, on both sides of the fence.

Mark My Words




The Ultimate Model of Reality:  Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause




I’m Not a Creationist










I’m Not a Creationist


I’m not a Creationist.

What does this mean in practice?

It means that I don’t believe in creation ex nihilo, which the Christian Catholics and Protestants choose to believe in and promote. Creation ex nihilo is impossible and patently absurd.

I’m not a Creationist – I don’t believe in creation ex nihilo.

Furthermore, it means that I don’t believe in spontaneous generation or abiogenesis. Whether they realize it or not, the Evolutionists and Darwinists are also creationists. They too have chosen to believe in Chemical Evolution, or Macro-Evolution, or Creation by Spontaneous Generation. Spontaneous generation or chemical evolution is the same exact thing as creation ex nihilo – same principle but different “nothing”. Spontaneous generation, or chemical evolution, or macro-evolution is physically impossible and patently absurd. It’s prevented from happening by entropy.

I’m not a Creationist – I don’t believe in spontaneous generation or the theory of evolution.

As I see it, creation ex nihilo is a type of Atheism – creation of something from nothing by nothing. Nothing can create something from nothing. Not even God can create something from nothing. Creation ex nihilo is patently absurd, just like Atheism. You will never catch “nothing” in the act of designing and creating something. It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done.

Likewise, creation by nothing, or spontaneous generation, or chemical evolution, or macro-evolution is patently absurd, just like Atheism. Design and creation by “Nothing” or Atheism is illogical, irrational, and absurd. It has never been experienced nor observed because it’s impossible. Nothing can design and create something.

Creation ex nihilo is spontaneous generation or abiogenesis, which means that creation ex nihilo is a type of chemical evolution, magical evolution, or macro-evolution. Technically, creation ex nihilo is creation from nothing; and, spontaneous generation is creation by nothing; but, where both are concerned “Nothing” is the operative word. They are nothing. They don’t exist. Creation from nothing and creation by nothing are patently absurd. They are impossible! That means that they never happened. That means that they have been falsified.

Genes and proteins don’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air, and neither does physical matter. These things are organized or made by Someone Intelligent or Someone Psyche.

I don’t believe that God is a creationist or magician. I believe that God is a scientist, the Ultimate Scientist.

God organized this physical universe from pre-existing Dark Matter or pre-existing Spirit Matter – not ex nihilo. There’s no such thing as creation ex nihilo. It’s impossible, which means that it didn’t happen because it can’t happen.

Like God, I’m a scientist; and, as a scientist, creation ex nihilo doesn’t make any logical sense to me. Creation ex nihilo demands way too much blind-faith from me. Nobody can create something from nothing, not even God.

Likewise, since I’m a scientist, I KNOW for a fact that spontaneous generation, chemical evolution, or macro-evolution was falsified in 1859 by Louis Pasteur – the very same year that Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”. We’ve KNOWN since the very beginning that the Theory of Evolution is false; but, most of the scientists chose to ignore that evidence preferring the convenient fiction instead. Charles Darwin was telling them what they wanted to hear; and, Louis Pasteur was not. Self-deception works, and it works every time. I KNOW because I used to be a Physicalist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.

God, or Psyche, or Syntropy had to exist BEFORE God did “creation ex nihilo”; and, the very existence of God or the pre-existence of God FALSIFIES creation ex nihilo, because God ain’t nothing.

Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously made obviously had a Maker or Creator who made it.

Observation or Premise: A genome was obviously made.

Logical Conclusion: Therefore, a genome obviously has a Maker or a Creator who designed it, programmed it, engineered it, field-tested it, fine-tuned it, made it, manufactured it, and deployed it.

Your genome is God’s Signature, and it is written on every cell in your body. Your genome didn’t just spontaneously generate out of thin air as the Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists claim because that’s physically impossible. Spontaneous generation or chemical evolution is prevented from happening by random diffusion and the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy cannot design and create proteins, genes, eyes, brains, and life forms. It has never been caught in the act of doing so; and, it never will be because it’s impossible.

Remember, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are based exclusively on entropy; and, it always requires some type of Syntropy or Intelligence in order to be able to design and create something new and useful from atoms or from scratch.

The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed. Remember, creation ex nihilo, spontaneous generation, macro-evolution, and chemical evolution have NEVER been experienced nor observed. They are impossible which means that they are false and have been falsified.

Mark My Words




I Am Not a Creationist: So What Am I?




God Is in the Light: God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.


Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective.



Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.


Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.


Scientific Proof of God’s Existence: Finding God Where the Atheists Refuse to Look for Him




The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything