Developing the Ultimate Model of Reality
Developing the Ultimate Model of Reality
The more research that I did, the clearer it became to me that both science and philosophy are broken. They were destroyed by Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Scientism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism.
Therefore, my goal became an attempt to re-make and to fix both philosophy and science so that they are brought into line with the observational evidence being obtained from Quantum Mechanics or Supernatural Mechanics, Action at a Distance, Syntropy, Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs), Spiritual Experiences, Mystical Experiences, Lived Experiences, Phenomenology, Psyche, and our after-death Life Reviews. Science and philosophy should be based exclusively on observational evidence and the lived experiences of the human race, and NOT the philosophical speculation, confirmation biases, blind-faith, and wishful thinking of the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists.
As I see it, both traditional science and conventional philosophy need to be repaired, upgraded, overhauled, and fixed so that they allow ALL of the evidence into evidence, rather than restricting them exclusively to Materialism and Naturalism and defining them as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism. It has been my observation that defining science and philosophy as Materialism and Naturalism greatly limits science and philosophy, and eventually devastates them in the end. It kills their explanatory power. A Philosophy of Science based upon Materialism and Naturalism, and restricted exclusively to Darwinism and Atheism, ruins and destroys both science and philosophy. Materialism and Naturalism makes everything lose its explanatory power, because Materialism and Naturalism cannot explain Quantum Mechanics, Supernatural Mechanisms, Action at a Distance, Quantum Tunneling, Syntropy, Spirit Matter or Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Psyche.
Fixing Science
In my attempt to fix science, I upgraded my science to Science 2.0, which allows ALL of the evidence into evidence and pursues a preponderance of the evidence. Science 2.0 defines science as Observation and Experience, rather than Materialism and Naturalism. Science 2.0 allows Quantum Mechanics, Syntropy, Action at a Distance, Supernatural Mechanisms, Dark Matter or Spirit Matter, Dark Energy, Transdimensional Explanations, Non-Locality or Non-Physicality, Quantum Non-Local Consciousness, Near-Death Experiences, Out-of-Body Experiences, Shared-Death Experiences, Life Reviews, and Psyche into evidence; whereas, Materialism and Naturalism do not. Science 2.0 is a new and better way of doing science. Science 2.0 has infinitely more explanatory power than Materialism and Naturalism ever did. Science 2.0 is the way that science should have always been done but wasn’t.
Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science
Fixing Philosophy
In my attempt to fix or repair philosophy, I added an Ultimate Cause to Aristotle’s four causes; and, I developed the Ultimate Model of Reality. The Ultimate Model of Reality is a Psyche Ontology wherein Psyche, Intelligence, or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness is the fundamental unit of reality. Psyche is the Ultimate Cause; and, Psyche is the ultimate causal agent. Adding an Ultimate Cause to Aristotle’s four causes completes Philosophy bringing it in-line with observed reality. A Philosophy of Science based upon Ultimate Cause has infinitely more explanatory power than a science or a philosophy that has been limited exclusively to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.
The Ultimate Model of Reality, Ultimate Cause, and a Psyche Ontology are developed in the following books:
The Ultimate Model of Reality: Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause
Putting Psyche Back into Psychology: Restoring Science to Consciousness
BioPsychoSocial: Including Psyche or Light into our Theoretical Models
NATURE vs. NURTURE vs. NIRVANA: An Introduction to Reality
Fixing Neuroscience
Finally, pursuant to Science 2.0 and my decision to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence, I moved Neuroscience from a materialistic, naturalistic, atheistic, and classical physics foundation over to a Quantum Mechanical, Psychical, or Supernatural foundation based upon Syntropy and Transdimensional Physics; and, I developed a new science called Quantum Neuroscience. Quantum Neuroscience has infinitely more explanatory power than traditional Neuroscience, which is based exclusively upon Materialism, Naturalism, and Classical Physics.
Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective
I know that it is audacious, impudent, and daring to try to fix everything that is wrong with modern-day science and philosophy; but, I believe that I have succeeded in doing so. However, I am under no illusions. I don’t expect any of this to be used in practice or embraced during my life-time. It’s sufficient enough that it’s available to me during the remainder of my life; and, that will have to do.
Obviously, I haven’t fixed everything in science and philosophy that were ruined, limited, broken, stifled, or destroyed by Materialism and Naturalism; but, I’ve made a lot of progress in that direction, as the books which I have written will attest. I hope that someone will find my efforts useful and liberating. My ultimate goal was to set people free.
Only YOU can decide if I have succeeded in my efforts or not. Nobody else can do that for you.
Mark My Words
My Amazon Author Page:
- Syntropy in Defense of Quantum Mechanics: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
- Rychlak, J. F. (1981). A Philosophy of Science for Personality Theory (2nd ed.). Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company.
- Slife, B. D. & Williams, R. N. (1995). Science and Human Behavior. In What’s Behind the Research? Discovering Hidden Assumptions in the Behavioral Sciences, (pp. 167–204). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.
- The Ultimate Model of Reality: Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause
- Putting Psyche Back into Psychology: Restoring Science to Consciousness
- BioPsychoSocial: Including Psyche or Light into our Theoretical Models
- NATURE vs. NURTURE vs. NIRVANA: An Introduction to Reality
- Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
- Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective.
- Rychlak, J. F. (1970). The Human Person in Modern Psychological Science. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 43(3), 233–240.