Fixing Philosophy with the Ultimate Model of Reality
Fixing Philosophy with the Ultimate Model of Reality
Rychlak, J. F. (1981). A Philosophy of Science for Personality Theory (2nd ed.). Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company.
Rychlak, J. F. (1970). The Human Person in Modern Psychological Science. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 43(3), 233–240.
Aristotle’s Four Causes NEED a Fifth Cause
A couple of my college classes introduced me to Joseph Rychlak and Aristotle’s four causes.
I found the whole thing severely disturbing.
Traditional philosophy is completely missing the Ultimate Cause or the Quantum Mechanics. The deliberate omission was glaringly obvious to me.
Traditional philosophy has limited itself exclusively to Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism for millennia. Traditional philosophy is incomplete because it’s lacking the Quantum Mechanics, Psyche Mechanisms, Supernatural Mechanisms, Non-Locality, Action at a Distance, Quantum Tunneling, Dark Matter or Spirit Matter, Dark Energy, the Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces, and even things like Gravity and Magnetism. Traditional philosophy is missing the Psyche, Syntropy, or the Ultimate Causal Agent. The verified and proven existence of Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Quantum Mechanics FALSIFIES traditional philosophy, because traditional philosophy is based exclusively on Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, and Classical Physics.
I realized that it was finally time for one of us to seriously upgrade and fix traditional philosophy and bring it into the modern age. In order to do so, I had to add a fifth cause to Aristotle’s four causes – the Ultimate Cause. Psyche is the Ultimate Cause. Psyche is the ultimate causal agent. Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness is the fundamental unit of reality.
These adjustments to traditional philosophy resulted in what I call a Psyche Ontology and a Psyche Epistemology, wherein Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality, Psyche or experience is the best way to know reality, Psyche is the ultimate causal agent, and Psyche is the Ultimate Cause. A Psyche Ontology is the Ultimate Model of Reality.
Mark My Words
- Syntropy in Defense of Quantum Mechanics: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
The books in which I develop and present the Ultimate Model of Reality, a Psyche Ontology, and the Ultimate Cause.
The Ultimate Model of Reality: Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause
Putting Psyche Back into Psychology: Restoring Science to Consciousness
BioPsychoSocial: Including Psyche or Light into our Theoretical Models
NATURE vs. NURTURE vs. NIRVANA: An Introduction to Reality