Rejecting the Null Hypothesis

Rejecting the Null Hypothesis


By definition, the Null Hypothesis in a science experiment was caused by chance alone.  When running a science experiment, we are trying to reject and eliminate the Null Hypothesis.  That’s the whole purpose for running a science experiment in the first place.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, Chemical Evolution, Creation by Random Disorder, Creation by Death or Natural Selection, Creation by Entropy, Creation by Luck, Macro-Evolution, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics ARE the Null Hypothesis.  By definition, in principle, they were caused by chance alone.  They are “chance causality” or “creation by chance”.  They ARE the Null Hypothesis.  These things are precisely what we are trying to falsify and eliminate from Science by running science experiments in the first place.  They are automatically FALSE because they are the Null Hypothesis or were caused by chance alone.

When running a science experiment and doing science, we are trying to reject, falsify, and eliminate Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, the Theory of Evolution, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and every other form of Creation by Chance or Chance Causality.  We are trying to find the True Cause, and CHANCE can never be the True Cause of anything!  We are trying to reject the Null Hypothesis, or Creation by Chance, or Chance Causality.  That’s why we do Science in the first place.

The whole purpose of a science experiment is to find the True Cause of an event, and CHANCE can NEVER be that cause.  In principle or practice, chance can never be the True Cause of anything.  Chance is NEVER causation!  The purpose of a science experiment is to reject the Null Hypothesis or Creation by Chance.  So, we just as well toss out Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism to begin with, so that we can start to pursue the True Cause instead.  The Theory of Evolution, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or Creation by Chance is precisely the thing that we are trying to falsify and eliminate from Science, so we just as well get on with it and falsify them and eliminate them right from the very beginning, like we should have done a hundred and fifty years ago.

This is the pinnacle of the Philosophy of Science, a true Philosophy of Science.  A Philosophy of Science should point us to what we should be trying to falsify and eliminate from Science.  Creation by Chance or the Null Hypothesis is the thing that we should be falsifying and eliminating from Science, so that we can find the True Cause instead.  It’s that simple.

We should be falsifying and eliminating and rejecting Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics because they ARE Creation by Chance or the Null Hypothesis.  These things are automatically FALSE because they are the Null Hypothesis and were by definition produced by chance alone.  They are automatically FALSE because they are Creation by Chance or Chance Causality, which is automatically FALSE to begin with, according to the rules of Science and Statistics.

The whole purpose of Science is to identify and eliminate the lies, and we start by eliminating every form of Creation by Chance, including Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics because they ARE Creation by Chance or the Null Hypothesis and were caused by chance alone.

Once we have rejected the Null Hypothesis, then we are duty bound as scientists to find a realistic and believable Alternative Hypothesis to take its place.

In Science and the Philosophy of Science, WE NEED a better, more realistic, and more convincing causal explanation for Origins than creation by chance, or chance causality, or the null hypothesis.  We need something much better than the theory of evolution or the second law of thermodynamics.  We need something that has actually been experienced and observed!

Once we have successfully eliminated Creation by Chance from Science, then we will start to close in on the True Cause instead.  The True Cause of an event ends up being whatever has actually been experienced and observed by someone, sometime, somewhere.  We eventually discover that some person, place, or thing – some type of Psyche or Intelligence or Quantum Consciousness – ends up being the True Cause or the Ultimate Cause of each event that we experience and observe.  Since chance can never be the True Cause of anything, the True Cause ends up being a person, an actual physical process (an act of God), or something like an immaterial, non-physical, intangible quantum entity that we typically call Psyche, Intelligence, Life Force, or Quantum Consciousness.  Only Psyche can do true causality at the quantum level or non-physical level!

Psyche or Intelligence is functional and influential at both the quantum level and the physical level.  Psyche is the ultimate causal agent or the true cause behind everything that exists, starting with the massless and entropyless Quantum Fields, and then going on from there to the rest of reality including physical existence.

This is a Psyche Ontology.  Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  Psyche chooses the form of everything else, including the different particles of physical matter.  Nature’s Psyche makes the quantum waves in the first place; and later, Nature’s Psyche collapses the wave function transforming omnipresent quantum waves and photons into some type of localized mass or heat instead.  This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2.  This is also Quantum Field Theory.  The Quantum Fields are constantly conserved perpetual motion machines.  They will never get old, and they will never wear out.  The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields exist.

Nature’s Psyche is running it all and controlling it all.  Nature’s Psyche makes the massless and entropyless quantum waves or photons in the first place from physical matter or exergy or the quantum fields; and later, Nature’s Psyche transforms the massless and entropyless photons or quantum waves back into some type of mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or mass’s heat storage capacity which is entropy.

This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2.  Nature’s Psyche or the Controlling Psyches within Nature are running it all and controlling it all.  Nature’s Psyche made the quantum fields; and Nature’s Psyche is enforcing the Quantum Laws; and Nature’s Psyche is making the physical matter from exergy or available energy wherever it chooses to do so; and Nature’s Psyche is currently transforming the physical matter in our sun into massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons or quantum waves instead.  Later, when those omnipresent photons or quantum waves land or choose to stop, Nature’s Psyche transforms them into mass or heat instead.  Round, and around, and around it goes, for the rest of eternity, because the energy is always conserved.  This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2.

This is the Ultimate Model of Reality.

Psyche is the Ultimate Cause, and Psyche is the Ultimate Causal Agent.  Psyche or Intelligence is the True Cause and the Original Cause of everything that currently exists.  Psyche and Energy have always existed, and they will always exist, because they are conserved.  Quantum Information is produced by, processed, by, transmitted by, received by, and stored within Psyche, Quantum Consciousness, Life Force, or Intelligence.  The Conservation of Quantum Information is impossible without some type of conserved Psyche or conserved Quantum Machine or conserved Quantum Computer within which to store and process and use that Quantum Information.  Psyche is that conserved quantum machine that produces, transmits, receives, processes, and stores quantum waves or quantum information.  It’s that simple.  Psyche is the fundamental unit of existence and reality.  This is a Psyche Ontology.  This is the Ultimate Model of Reality.  Psyche is the Ultimate Cause.  Psyche is the Ultimate Causal Agent.  Psyche is the True Cause of everything that currently exists.

According to the Law of Psyche, each psyche or intelligence has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control, and that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it CHOOSES to do so.  This is what Quantum Field Theory and the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 are trying to tell us and teach us, but nobody is listening, because nobody wants it to be true.  Nevertheless, WE KNOW that it is true because it has actually been experienced and observed.

In fact, the Perpetual Motion Cycle, Quantum Field Theory, the Conservation of Quantum Information within Psyche, and the Conservation of Energy and Psyche explain everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

Mark My Words





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