True Disorder Doesn’t Correlate with Anything
As I write this on 26AUG2019, I have been falsifying the second law of thermodynamics for a couple of years now. I’ve gotten better at it as the months have gone by.
While taking a Statistics class in college during the summer of 2019, I immediately recognized that “disorder” is best modeled graphically as a correlation coefficient of zero. I immediately realized that True Disorder doesn’t correlate with anything. This was a monumentally significant scientific discovery.
I soon realized that “entropy defined as disorder” does NOT correlate with heat. Disorder doesn’t make heat, and disorder doesn’t eliminate heat. There is NO correlation whatsoever between disorder and heat, which means that there is NO correlation or relationship between disorder and thermodynamics. Therefore, the “disorder definition for entropy” is the wrong definition for entropy. Disorder has nothing to do with thermodynamics or entropy, which is the transfer of heat from a hot system to a cold system.
The heatless, massless, entropyless Quantum Fields are perfectly ordered and organized perpetual motion machines, and they function flawlessly and endlessly at absolute zero temperature for all eternity. The Quantum Fields don’t need heat as a lubricant to make them work. Energy, Quantum Fields, and Psyche are perpetual motion machines. They have been working perfectly for all eternity in the complete absence of heat at absolute zero temperature. There’s NO correlation between order and heat.
Many people have stated that our sun represents maximum disorder or the complete randomization of atoms and molecules. It is obvious that our sun has a lot of mass. Mass IS heat storage capacity, or resistance to acceleration. Again, we observe that there is NO correlation between disorder and heat. Something that contains a lot of randomized disorder can also contain a lot of heat storage capacity or mass.
“Disorder” is the worthless and falsified definition for thermodynamics, heat, and entropy. It’s time that we toss it out of science and find something better to take its place.
This wonderful discovery came as a result of my observation that “disorder” is best represented statistically and graphically as a correlation coefficient of zero.
I wrote the following notes in the margin of my Statistics book while I was making this amazing scientific discovery and falsifying the second law of thermodynamics once again.
Disorder does NOT cause heat. Therefore, disorder and thermodynamics are NOT causally related. That means that disorder and entropy are NOT causally related. There’s NO correlation between the two.
The test-retest reliability is nil when it comes to disorder and entropy defined as disorder. If a correlation does not exist between the two variables, a causal relationship can be ruled out. That means that there is NO correlation between disorder and thermodynamics, so a causal relationship can be ruled out. In fact, there can be NO causal relationship between disorder and anything. If there is some type of correlation between two variables, then that means that some type of order or organization exists between the two variables. True disorder doesn’t correlate with anything, which means that disorder or random chance can’t be the cause of anything. That’s just the way it is.
There’s NO correlation between disorder (or entropy defined as disorder) and anything else, which means that a causal relationship between disorder and anything else can be ruled out and tossed out. Varying the amount of disorder in a system has absolutely NO effect on the amount of heat or thermodynamics within a system. In fact, whenever a Psyche or Intelligence varies the amount of disorder in a system, it introduces some type of order or organization into the system instead. Manipulating disorder is how we produce order. By making “disorder” our independent variable, whenever we manipulate that “disorder” or independent variable, we always introduce some type of order or organization into the system as a result. Order and disorder are mutually exclusive, and it’s impossible to get perfect disorder out of any system. We will NEVER have true disorder or true chaos in our part of the multiverse as long as the Quantum Fields exist. The Quantum Fields are perfect, conserved, syntropic, exergic, massless, entropyless, non-physical perpetual motion machines. The Quantum Fields will never get old and never wear out because they are made from energy, and energy is always conserved. The second law of thermodynamics has NEVER been true ever since the Gods and Nature’s Psyche (the Controlling Psyches within Nature or Energy) designed and made the Quantum Fields.
Psyche or Intelligence or Knowledge or Science produces order and organization. It’s really hard to get perfect disorder or a perfect correlation coefficient of zero out of a system, because everything in our universe tends towards or strives towards order and organization thanks to Psyche and the Conservation of Energy. The reality of what we experience and observe FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics which claims that all of this order and organization shouldn’t exist. The fact that you exist and are constantly making things is scientific proof that the second law of thermodynamics is false.
The second law of thermodynamics makes the erroneous claim that the total amount of disorder (or entropy) in our universe is constantly increasing and can never decrease. This is NOT what we experience and observe!
It’s because the second law of thermodynamics and entropy defined as disorder don’t correlate with anything! They don’t cause anything to happen! Where there is NO correlation, causation has been ruled out. By definition and by observation, disorder or random chance doesn’t cause things to happen! It can’t!
When correlation is equal to zero, there’s NO way to predict anything. We can’t use maximum disorder to predict anything. With zero correlation, there’s no chance that what we are observing is either a cause or an effect. Yet, the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists axiomatically state that “disorder” causes entropy and that entropy is a natural effect of disorder. They are wrong. Disorder doesn’t cause heat, and heat doesn’t cause disorder. There’s NO correlation between the two! The Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists erroneously state that chance, random chaos, disorder, or entropy designed and made everything that exists in this universe. They are wrong. Disorder, chance, or entropy can’t design and create anything.
These people literally correlate disorder with thermodynamics thereby giving us the false impression that thermodynamics causes disorder, or even the more erroneous impression that disorder causes thermodynamics.
Correlation does not imply causation, except when you are dealing with entropy and natural selection. They are exempt. The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists grant themselves a special pleading or a special exemption so that they don’t have to follow the rules of statistics and science in order to demonstrate and prove that their ideas are true. They just jump straight to the conclusion that Creation by Chance is true, and they make it a LAW by calling it the second law of thermodynamics or the law of evolution. Special pleadings, special exemptions, category errors, begging the question, and jumping to conclusions are the logic fallacies upon with the second law of thermodynamics and the theory of evolution are based.
Categorizing “disorder” as heat or thermodynamics is a category error logic fallacy, because they are NOT the same thing at all.
True disorder produces a correlation coefficient of zero, because by definition true disorder doesn’t correlate with anything. The relationship between disorder and thermodynamics is non-existent, because there is NO relationship or NO correlation between thermodynamics and disorder. Thermodynamics of any kind represents a great deal of order and organization to begin with, whether the associated heat is moving towards zero or not. Even at absolute zero, mass continues to exist, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) continues to exist, and mass’s resistance to acceleration continues to exist thanks to Quantum Mechanics, the Conservation of Energy, and the massless entropyless Quantum Fields.
Physical systems are constantly achieving thermal equilibrium, yet they continue to function just fine anyway. At “heat death” or absolute zero, the physical matter continues to exist, and the quantum fields continue to exist, and everything continues to function perfectly. We can’t use “disorder” or the second law of thermodynamics to predict proton decay, an ever-encroaching gray goo, nor everything coming to a screeching halt at the quantum level, because Quantum Field Theory and the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 predict the exact opposite. All that we experience and observe is constantly conserved order and organization thanks to the Quantum Fields, the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, the Conservation of Quantum Information within Psyche, and the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2. The thing that we experience and observe is the thing that’s actually real and true.
The different equations for entropy defined entropy axiomatically as “all of the energy in the universe” or “all of the heat in the universe” or “all of the disorder in the universe”. There’s NO scaling and NO interval or ratio possible when they define entropy as all of the energy in the universe or as all of the disorder in the universe. They cheat. They define entropy as infinite to begin with, and then they find ways to make some more by dividing by some temperature close to zero. It’s a scam. It’s a con. It’s a ruse. It’s physically impossible! The various different equations for entropy FALSIFY the second law of thermodynamics. Everything falsifies the second law of thermodynamics!
We cannot systematically vary disorder so as to measure its effect on entropy or thermodynamics! Once we start to manipulate disorder, then it ceases to be disorder and becomes some type of order or organization instead. Intelligent manipulation, or psychic manipulation at the quantum level, naturally produces order and organization. That’s why we manipulate things in the first place, both at the physical level and at the quantum level. We are trying to bring order out of chaos. When the Gods and Controlling Psyches created the Quantum Fields, they brought permanent order and organization to our part of the Chaos Realm. They brought order out of chaos. Only psyche or intelligence can do that. The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the quantum fields exist. You would have to destroy the quantum fields in order to make the second law of thermodynamics even remotely true. And, even at maximum disorder, the energy and the psyches continue to exist and continue to function perfectly anyway.
You would be surprised how frequently we encounter individuals concluding causation when the data are only correlational. That’s precisely what happened with the theory of evolution. They assume causation when in fact the evidence is only correlational at best. Varying genomes randomly in a laboratory doesn’t produce new, different, interesting, and functional life forms. Varying genomes randomly in a laboratory or in the field causes cancer and death and extinction. There’s NO correlation between random mutations and the causation of life. There is NO correlation between natural selection or death, and the origin of life.
Likewise, with entropy, they assume causation when there is no correlation whatsoever. The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists assume that random disorder or entropy causes planets, stars, galaxies, big bangs, genomes, genes, proteins, eyes, brains, and life forms to appear out of thin air at will. They are wrong. There is no correlation between random disorder and the existence of planets, starts, galaxies, and genomes. Random disorder doesn’t produce heat, and it doesn’t produce genomes either, because there is NO correlation between disorder and anything else that exists in this universe. Stay on the lookout for these kinds of frauds and deceptions. You will see these falsehoods and errors built into “science” at a fundamental level, because the Materialist and Naturalists and Atheists who control our public schools have no difficulty concluding that correlation as well as no-correlation can produce anything that it sets its mind to. These people have chosen to believe that chance produced everything that exists in this universe. They are wrong, but there’s no way to convince them that they are wrong.
The second law of thermodynamics and the theory of evolution are the greatest scams in human history, because they are “chance causality” or are caused by chance alone. The second law of thermodynamics and the theory of evolution are Creation by Chance or the Null Hypothesis – they are produced by chance alone. They ARE what we are trying to falsify and eliminate from Science by doing science experiments in the first place. In Science and Statistics, we are trying to find the True Cause of each event, and chance can NEVER be it.
Perfect disorder or randomness produces a correlation coefficient of zero. There’s NO correlation between randomly distributed atoms in a gas. Therefore, randomly distributed atoms in a gas cannot be the cause of anything, which means that random clouds of gas cannot be the cause of planets, stars, and galaxies. We have to find some other mechanism for the causal origin of planets, stars, galaxies, genomes, proteins, and life forms BESIDES randomly distributed atoms in a gas cloud. Creation by Disorder, Creation by Entropy, or Creation by Chance is the dumbest idea that we have ever erroneously labeled as “science”. Creation by Chance or Creation Ex Nihilo is the stupidest idea every created by the mind of man. That’s where the philosophies of men fall down and die. Creation by Chance is philosophy or wishful thinking, NOT science. The second law of thermodynamics, entropy defined as disorder, and the theory of evolution ARE Creation by Chance. They ARE the Null Hypothesis, which means that they are automatically false and have automatically been falsified.
These truths and Science 2.0 will never be adopted nor used by our science community during my lifetime, because they falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics which are the Null Hypothesis or Creation by Chance.
However, in the centuries to come, when our scientists finally figure out what’s really going on in our universe at the non-physical level or the quantum level, then they will vote to replace the falsified second law of thermodynamics with Quantum Field Theory and the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 instead. This will never happen, though, while these people continue to correlate disorder with causation as they are currently doing. So long as they continue to correlate chance with causation, they will never find and know the truth. That’s just the way it is.
Mark My Words